How much to cook apricot jam?

On how much will be cooked on the plate apricot jam, depends not only the consistency of the workpiece, but also its final taste. Today we will consider several variations of the recipes for preparing apricot jam and tell you how much you need to billet the work in one way or another.

How and how much to cook apricot jam slices for the winter?



In order to weld apricot jam slices, we will prepare the lobules themselves. For this, my fruit is carefully, divided into two half-wolves and rid of the stone. Now we pour the obtained lobules with sugar, laying them in layers in an enamel or stainless vessel. Leave the workpiece for twelve hours to separate the juice, then place it on the cooking plate of the plate, adjusting the latter to moderate heat and warming up, periodically gently stirring until the sugar dissolves. From the moment of boiling, we boil the jam for seven minutes, after which we remove from the plate to the side and leave for twelve hours to cool down. Repeat the procedure for heating, boiling and cooling two more times, after which we again give the boil to boil, cook until the desired density is obtained, spread out in advance prepared glass jars, cap them and let them cool down completely, covered with a warm blanket.

How and how many minutes does it take to make syrup so that the apricot jam on its basis is thick?



A lot of fans have recipes for cooking apricot jam based on sugar syrup. With this method, the fruits themselves are not cooked on the stove, but are soaked with hot sugar syrup, preserving the maximum of useful properties, delicate taste and fresh aroma. In addition, apricot lobules remain almost the same as at the beginning of the preparation, keeping the shape, which maximally positively affects the appearance of the billet.

Preparing the preparation of jam, my apricots, cut with a knife around the stone and extract it. We place the halves in a suitable enameled container and prepare to prepare the syrup. Mix the sugar in a scoop with water, warm the mass to a boil and dissolve all the sugar crystals and pour boiling syrup prepared apricot wedges. Leave the workpiece insisted for twelve hours, after which carefully drain the syrup and again put on the stove for moderate fire. To ensure that the final consistency of the jam is thick, we boil the mass for ten minutes, after which we pour out again to the apricot lobules and leave for another twelve hours. We repeat the cycle two more times, after which we give the syrup to boil for the last ten minutes, adding lemon juice, pouring apricots, laying the jam on dry and sterile containers, sealing it tightly and putting it in a cool place for storage.

To obtain a more liquid consistency of the billet syrup, it is sufficient to stand on fire after each infusion cycle with apricot lobules for three to five minutes.

How to cook a quick apricot jam after boiling?



If there is no time for a long time to mess around with jam, boiling it several times, or standing in syrup, then you can go and more simply by preparing the billet. The apricots are washed and rinsed with apricots and covered with sugar and left for a short while in the warmth, so that the fruit can be let into the juice. Now we have the workpiece on the stove and let it boil, stirring. We boil the mass, stirring occasionally for forty minutes, after which we spread the jam on dry sterilized jars, we seal them with sterile lids and put them in the storeroom for storage.