Aloe tincture

Aloe is one of the most popular plants used in home and traditional medicine. The most common form of taking aloe - tincture, which allows you to normalize the metabolism, cope with some skin diseases and improve the condition of the hair.

Tincture of aloe with honey

For treatment, you can use both freshly picked leaves, and medicines prepared from them. Inner tincture is recommended to take to normalize digestion, improve the protective properties of the body and fight against tuberculosis.

Coping with diseases of the stomach and liver, colds, and also support the body with a decline in strength will help balm with honey:

  1. The juice of the plant is mixed with melted honey in equal proportions.
  2. Drink with a small amount of water 1/3 of a small spoon three times a day for about half an hour before a meal.

The treatment is conducted by courses lasting three weeks with an interval of ten days.

Increase the resistance of the body can tincture with Aloe Cahors and honey:

  1. The juice of the plant (150 ml) was diluted with Cahors (350 ml) and mixed with honey (250 g).
  2. The resulting composition is placed in a place inaccessible to the sun's rays with a temperature of 4 ° C.
  3. Four days later the product is ready for use. Drink it in a spoon before eating (three times a day).

The following recipe is effective in controlling constipation:

  1. From the leaves (150 g) squeeze the juice, which is then diluted with warmed honey (300 g).
  2. Eat the medicine on a tablespoon before going to bed, and in the morning after awakening.

Aloe vera tincture

Outside use of aloe promotes rapid healing of wounds and elimination of various skin problems. Prepare the medicine as follows:

  1. Finely chopped leaves (2 parts) are filled with vodka (1 part).
  2. The container is lidded with a lid and placed in a refrigerator.

In about ten days, the remedy will be ready for use.

With chronic bronchitis , asthma, tuberculosis and sinusitis recommend taking tincture with aloe, prepared according to this recipe:

  1. The juice of the leaves (half a liter) is mixed with the same amount of vodka and honey (0.7 kg).
  2. Put in a tightly closed dish in a dark place.
  3. Two months later, when the product is ready, it is drunk an hour before the meal, eating a small amount of butter.

You can prepare aloe tincture for alcohol:

  1. The crushed leaves of the plant are mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5.
  2. Tare put in a cool place for not less than ten days.
  3. Ready-made formula is taken three times a day, before you start eating.