How to remove sand from the kidney folk remedies?

Such a disease as urolithiasis is accompanied by the appearance of stones and sand in the kidneys , of which many want to remove them by folk remedies, but do not know how to do it. The fact is that neoplasms are often formed in other organs of the urinary system. The disease occurs in different age categories. The disease speaks of the formation of small concrements, which only recently appeared inside the organ.

The causes of the formation of sand in the kidneys

There are several main points that contribute to the development of the disease:

  1. Passive lifestyle. In this mode, all organs work in half the capacity. Over time, this is a habit, because of what all the processes in the body slow down. And this has a negative effect on health in general, as excess elements stagnate.
  2. Insufficient water consumption. Every person should consume at least a half liter a day a day - this is an ordinary folk remedy that will help to remove sand from the kidneys, which recently appeared there. But it's hard for her to be alone. Therefore it is desirable to establish a bar in the amount of half a liter per day of clean water, and the rest to consume in the form of tea (preferably green), milk, juice and other liquids. If possible, avoid carbonated and colored drinks.
  3. Pregnancy. In this state, water enters the kidneys in a minimum amount. In addition, this body is often in a compressed state, as it is affected by the developing fetus.
  4. Bad ecology. Experts believe that some patients are really influenced by the surrounding factors with which they meet every day. In particular, this is an inadequate water quality, poor ecology and others.

How to treat kidney sand with folk remedies?

The safest and at the same time effective is the reception of water with honey. It is suitable for people whose small deposits have outgrown already in the stones, and drinking diuretics is likely to provoke severe pain.

Water with honey


Preparation and use

In the evening add honey to the water and mix thoroughly. Drink this folk remedy for sand in the kidneys in the morning. Formations are enveloped in a thin film and slowly begin to dissolve. This does not happen quickly, so repeat the procedure every day. The duration depends on the stage of the disease. Do not add lemon. To accelerate the process, you can consume freshly squeezed juice from carrots daily.

Other means are also used, which are considered no less effective.

Tea with fir oil


Preparation and use

Herbs are brewed according to the instructions. Then 5 drops of oil are added. Use the broth three times a day for half an hour before meals.

About four days later the first results will appear - the color of urine will change. This will say that the treatment with folk remedies helps and the sand in the kidneys began to dissolve.

Broth of the young dog rose


Preparation and use

All components must be crushed and mixed. In the evening two tablespoons of the resulting solution are poured with half a liter of boiling water. It is left for the night. Take 1/3 cup three times a day. This folk remedy will help remove sand from the kidneys in one month. The main thing is not to miss the reception.

Herbal infusion


Preparation and use

All the components to grind and mix. In boiling water, add a few tablespoons of herbs. Insist at least two hours. Drink 100 ml per day, at least three weeks.