Folk remedies for coughing adults

As a rule, cough is a specific sign of catarrhal diseases, both recurrent and chronic, but more often it is cough that tells us that a person is ill with one of the colds.

Cough dry and wet

In order to successfully combat the cough, you need to know its origin and, of course, during the cold, special attention is given to cough dry. As a rule, dry cough begins the process of the disease. He is very dangerous for health, because against the background of the underlying illness his seizures are extremely painful and can lead to hypertonic attacks, increased pressure, increased attacks of headache, the appearance of pain at the level of the chest. Therefore, the main thing in the appearance of a dry cough is, if one may so express it, its translation into the moist one. For this purpose, drugs called mucolytics are used, and it is not necessary to run to the pharmacy for pills: from coughing, adults are aware of effective folk remedies. In this case, they can be used both as expectorants for drinking or compresses and inhalations.

Means for liquefying cough in adults

Traditional medicine recommends a huge number of recipes for effective liquefaction of sputum:

  1. Many believe that the best folk remedy for coughing is inhalation, which includes oils of cedar, lavender, mint, cedar and others, which successfully cope with dry cough. To do this, in a saucepan boil 0.5 liters of water, add 2 drops of a set of oils and breathe in deeply the couples, covered with something warm. In this case, as experience shows, the separation of sputum begins almost immediately.
  2. No less effective are inhalations with the use of soda with garlic. The recipe is simple: two cups of water is brought to a boil in a saucepan, crushed garlic is added, boiled, then 1 teaspoon of soda is added and the mixture is blended with a thick cloth, towel or sheet.
  3. Folk remedies for coughing in adults suggest inhalation over hot potatoes welded "in uniform". They are not costly, safe and effective: you only need to cook potatoes, cover yourself with a towel over the pan and inhale deeply the vapors.

Broths for liquefying phlegm

No less effective use of broth:

When the sputum is diluted, and the cough from the dry has passed into the wet stage, it is necessary to start taking expectorants. They should remove phlegm from the body. In folk medicine is considered effective reception of decoction of onion with honey in milk. A glass of milk is boiled, add a finely chopped medium-sized onion and a teaspoon of honey. Take small meals throughout the day. Such a decoction is also effective with neglected bronchitis and a long-lasting cough.

Effective herbal decoctions using flowers of chamomile, string, yarrow. Folk expectorants for cough include preparations with St. John's wort, eucalyptus , geranium has a softening effect with a prolonged severe cough and contribute to sputum and excretion from the body.

Gentle is the reception of warm milk with honey: it helps to sputum, but does not have an extremely strong instant effect. Therefore, it can be used to treat not only adults, but also children.