Endometriosis of the body of the uterus

Endometriosis of the uterus body or, as the official medicine says, adenomyosis is a disease that has recently had a clear tendency to increase. Every year more and more women suffer from this ailment. The causes of this pathology are not completely clear yet, but it is known that hormonal bursts (frequent abortions) play a major role in its occurrence, a decrease in immunity, a deterioration in the environment, a decrease in the quality of drinking water and food, and stress. In this article, we describe what constitutes endometriosis of the uterus body, its shape, symptoms and treatment.

What happens and how is the endometriosis of the uterus body manifested?

When the disease is just beginning, there may not yet be clinical manifestations. With the progression of this ailment, the woman is disrupted regularity of the menstrual cycle, there are pelvic pains during sexual intercourse and during menstruation. Between menstruation, a woman may be bothered by spotting bloody or brown discharge.

The essence of the disease is that endometrial cells grow into the body of the uterus. In this case, the diffuse and focal forms of the endometriosis of the uterus body are distinguished. When the pathological process affects certain parts of the myometrium, then they speak of the focal form of the endometriosis of the uterus body. Diffuse endometriosis of the uterus body is much more common, with its endometrioid cells do not form nodules in the uterus as in focal. Characteristic is also the gradual germination of pathological cells into the thickness of the myometrium. Proceeding from this, three stages of progression of diffuse endometriosis are distinguished:

  1. Endometriosis of the uterine body of the 1st degree is characterized by germination of the endometrioid cells by approximately 1 cm in the thickness of the uterus. At the first (initial) stage of the disease, a woman may not feel any symptoms, and may already have discomfort in the small pelvis and profuse painful menstrual flow.
  2. With endometriosis of the uterine body of the 2nd degree, the woman already senses pain in the small pelvis, which is associated with edema of the uterus and an increase in her size. In this period, there are already violations of the menstrual cycle and intermenstrual secretions. At this stage, the pathological endometrioid cells grow into the middle of the thickness of the uterus.
  3. The third stage is full of its variety of symptoms. During this period, the endometrial cells have already struck the entire body of the uterus, the process passes to the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Endometriosis of the uterus and pregnancy

In women with endometriosis, pregnancy may either not occur, or be interrupted in the early term, or lead to an ectopic pregnancy. The cause of these disorders may not be endometriosis itself, but the same reasons that led to it (hormonal disorders).

Diffusive endometriosis of the uterus body - treatment

In the treatment of endometriosis, two methods are used: traditional and non-traditional. Traditional methods of treatment, in turn, can be divided into conservative and operational ones. To the conservative include the appointment of oral contraceptives. Operative method of treatment - hysterectomy ( removal of the uterus ) is used in case of frequent heavy bleeding, which lead to severe anemia. In the case of focal endometriosis of the uterus, it is possible to accurately remove these foci. It is especially advisable to carry out this method of treatment in the fight against infertility.

Thus, if possible, a woman should try to prevent the appearance of this ailment. Namely: to lead a healthy lifestyle (to abandon bad habits), exercise, and eat right. It is very important to monitor the regularity of your menstrual cycle, the nature and abundance of menstrual flow.