Signs of mastitis

Mastitis is an inflammatory process, localized in the mammary gland. This disease affects women, whose age is between 15-45 years. In its majority, mastitis occurs when the baby is breast-feeding, especially often develops in the first 3 months after the birth of the baby.

With mastitis, the lesion occurs predominantly in one breast, which is expressed in the pain of a progressive nature and the appearance of puffiness. In order to prevent the appearance of mastitis, a young mother should correctly express the remaining breast milk, monitor the appearance of cracks in the nipples, and also observe the hygiene of the mammary glands.


The main reasons for the development of mastitis are:

As a result of incomplete outflow of milk, it is constantly found in the glands and is an excellent nutrient medium for microorganisms that can penetrate through the cracks in the nipples. The most common causative agent of this disease is streptococcus. They fall into the glands as a result of touching the chest with dirty hands or as a result of contact of the breast with contaminated women's underwear.


Many young, inexperienced mothers do not know how mastitis is manifested, what are its signs and how to identify it. The main signs of mastitis can be:

Often, the occurrence of mastitis is observed in the first days after birth and in those women who give birth for the first time. This is explained by the fact that the ducts of the gland are rather convoluted and have a small lumen, and in order for it to increase, it takes time.

The first sign of the rapid development of mastitis in women can be appeared on the nipples cracks, which are the entrance gate for infection. Then the woman begins to complain of the appearance of severe pain, which is bursting. Thus the breast increases in sizes because of the appeared edema and becomes swollen. The woman's condition worsens, the temperature rises.

With the development of this condition and the appearance of the first signs, symptoms of breast mastitis, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. In the implementation of his recommendation and compliance with the prescribed treatment, the disease disappears in a few days.

In some cases, if the doctor does not contact the doctor in time, a purulent form of mastitis may develop. In this case, in the chest appear seals, - infiltration. The breast becomes hot, and small seals, up to 3 cm in diameter, are probed in it. There may be several. At the same time the woman's condition worsens, the temperature rises to the low-grade figures.

To the existing manifestations of mastitis, symptoms of intoxication of the organism (dizziness, general weakness, headache) are added. There is pus in the milk emerging from the gland.


In order to prevent the appearance of mastitis, a woman must first of all observe the hygiene of the breast. So, after each breastfeeding of the baby, the woman is obliged to perform the treatment of the glands. To do this, after washing them with plain water, it is necessary to apply a special remedy against the appearance of cracks on the nipples.