Calcium preparations for children

To your child grew up healthy and strengthened, his daily diet should include calcium . Thanks to this mineral, the kid will form a strong skeleton, which means that the bones will not be brittle, which will prevent fractures and other problems. Calcium is a part of some food products: milk and dairy products, fish, some vegetables and fruits, as well as meat. They must be a part of your child's daily diet. But if you and your doctor believe that calcium in the body of a child is not enough, then the pharmacy has special calcium preparations for children.


The entire assortment of medicines, in which there is calcium, is divided into:

  1. Those that need to be taken inside the body. These include: calcium chloride, carbonate or calcium gluconate and others.
  2. Those that are administered intramuscularly. These drugs include: gluconate and calcium gluceptate.
  3. Those that are introduced by the internal way. Examples of such drugs are: chloride, gluconate and calcium glucose.

If your child is found to have insufficient quantity of this important mineral, then he must necessarily use calcium preparations with vitamin D3, which helps quickly assimilate the mineral. In addition to the above, there is still such a division:

  1. Monopreparations. An inexpensive option that is available to everyone, but because of the lack of additional components, such drugs are not effective enough.
  2. Preparations of calcium and vitamin D. This option is more effective than the first, but there is a drawback - vitamin D has the ability to accumulate in the body, which is not always good.
  3. Special complexes, which include not only the mineral, but also vitamins. Not a cheap option, but better than the previous ones. It can be given to a child from the age of 2. It also includes vitamins useful for the child.

Remember that calcium preparations for adolescents and small children should be prescribed by a doctor, there can not be any independent activity. There may be several side effects: pain in the pancreas, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea. There are also several contraindications to the use of this mineral: allergy and sensitivity to the drug, as well as its high content in urine and blood. When choosing calcium preparations for children, it is necessary to take into account its composition, characteristics and indications for use, as well as taste and price. The main thing do not forget to give your child foods that are high in calcium, and then you will not need to pay attention to such drugs.