Hard chair in a child

Why does the child have a hard chair?

If the child is tightly croaking, this can be caused by:

Most often, the hard chair of the child is caused by inadequate nutrition. If there is an excess of flour, meat, spicy, salty foods, as well as sweets, normal stools in the baby's diet (and a bowel movement once a day is considered the norm), it can not be. Very hard feces in a child can also be caused by excessive craving for bananas. Although bananas are very useful food of vegetable origin, in many children they cause constipation.

In case you notice a hard stool in an infant, attention should be paid to the nutrition of his mother or the side effects that are present in infant formulas (for artificial children). Problems with the stool of a nursing mother will have an impact on the well-being of the child, so it's important to make sure that her diet contains enough plant food and fresh sour-milk products.

If the problems with the regularity of the stool began in the child due to the transition to a new mixture, this sign indicates that perhaps this mixture is not the best choice for your baby.

How to help if the child has a very hard chair?

  1. Increase the amount of fluid consumed during the day.
  2. Introduce in the diet plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. Minimize the consumption of carbohydrate foods (sweets, flour products, potatoes).
  4. Add fresh vegetable oil to the food.
  5. Daily to feed the child with fresh sour-milk products (preferably, own production).
  6. Replace fresh wheat bread with bread from coarse flour and bran.
  7. To force the child to move more (exercises with squats are especially useful).
  8. Do a massage of the baby's belly (making circular movements clockwise).