Complications of pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is a disease that requires timely and high-quality treatment, because the destruction of lung tissue is a rather serious pathology. The most dangerous condition is when complications of pneumonia concern internal vital organs.

Why do complications occur with pneumonia?

A complication is the course of pneumonia, in which the reactive processes in the bronchopulmonary system are caused by the inflammatory process and the multiplication of microbes. Complications of croupous pneumonia are associated with the fact that in the most acute period a large area is affected. Then the vital organs of man are affected by microorganisms and toxins released during the decay of microbes. Insufficient drainage of focal pneumonia, too, can lead to complications, even despite adequate and timely therapy. No less important role in the occurrence of problems and complications is played by a decrease in immunity, when the body is not able to provide adequate resistance to the disease.

Types of complications after pneumonia

There are two types of development of complications of pneumonia:

The following complications can be classified as bronchopulmonary:

Complications after pneumonia can give complications to the heart in the form of:

Other extrapulmonary complications include:

It is the presence of various complications that can directly affect the development and course of the disease itself. In this case, the doctor should prescribe more active therapy.