Bear bile - application

In the gallbladder bear a large amount of highly concentrated bile is secreted, secreted by the liver cells. This is due to the fact that the food ration of this predatory beast is rich in fats, for the cleavage of which bile is necessary. Especially a lot of active bile is formed in bears in the autumn, before hibernation.

Healing properties of bear bile

The use of the bile of a bear is explained by the high concentration of biologically active substances, and, most importantly, by the most valuable ursodiocholic acid contained in it.

Bear bile has the following effect on the human body:

Bear bile is used in such diseases:

Preparation of medicines from bear bile

Procuring the bile of a bear is a rather complex and responsible process. Its conservation is produced in various ways, the simplest of which is long-term drying. To do this, the extracted gallbladder is dried in the open air in the shade until its contents acquire the consistency of clay.

Another technology of billet is based on evaporation of bile over fire, after which the thickened bile is placed in the gall bladder for long-term storage. Also, the bear's bile is preserved in the same way as bile bile is harvested in factories of the medical industry. For this, the bile is filtered and pasteurized with the addition of alcohol, furacilin and perfume. From the bear bile prepare ointments, powders, tinctures. Also, bear bile is produced industrially in gelatin capsules, which is very convenient when internal use is required.

Tincture of bear bile

Most often, bear bile is used for treatment in the form of alcohol tincture. To make it, you need 25 grams of dried chopped bile to pour half a liter of vodka and to insist for 2 weeks in a dark place, periodically shaking.

The obtained product is used both internally and externally in the form of gauze compresses and grindings.

How to take bear bile?

Bear bile in the form of alcohol tincture is consumed three times a day for an hour before meals in dosages corresponding to the body weight:

Tincture can not be seized and washed down. The course of treatment depends on the nature and severity of the disease, but, as a rule, is at least 2 weeks.

Application of bear bile in oncology

Bear bile can slow down the growth of cancer cells, so it is recommended for various cancers, even in advanced stages with metastases. It is important that this remedy can be combined with other treatments (eg, chemotherapy ). With cancer, bile is taken in the form of an alcohol tincture, but if the patient is enlarged liver, it is recommended to drink water solution. For its preparation, half a teaspoon of dry chopped bile is diluted with 100 ml of warm water. Take a solution three times a day for 1-2 teaspoons (shake before use) for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 months.

Bear bile - contraindications

The tool can not be received under the following conditions: