The child flinches in a dream

Parents of babies sometimes notice that the child is sharply distorted by the whole body. The child can shudder in a dream, when he pisses or at any moment of wakefulness. About what it may be related to and whether it is necessary to address such a problem to a specialist, we will discuss further.

Why does the child shudder in a dream?

The start of a child in a dream and when falling asleep is often associated with the immaturity of the nervous system and the phases of sleep. In a small child, the processes of excitability of the nervous system predominate over the processes of inhibition. During the switching phases of sleep and at the time of transition from wakefulness the child can start. The older the child becomes, the less often and less vividly such flinches will be observed.

However, these processes should not be allowed to go by themselves, if they are observed in a child, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Especially it concerns cases of frequent shuddering in a child. The fact is that such manifestations may be symptoms of epileptic activity. Consultation and diagnosis should be referred to a neurologist.

Among the main reasons for the start, you can also note:

What should I do if the child flinches?

Behavioral disorders and decreased attention in the child require mandatory intervention of specialists who will be able to identify the cause and correct the development processes of the child in time.

To rule out the moment of fatigue, you should play with him at night before going to sleep and reading fairy tales to him. This will facilitate a more easy and peaceful retirement.

If the child flinches and cries, the cause may be colic. It is important to save the child from unpleasant sensations in the tummy and the problem of flinching can go away.

The child can shudder with diseases accompanied by fever. A sign of the disease are frequent awakening, crying and the lack of flinches earlier.

If the nervous system is not yet perfect, the child may shudder from the abrupt sounds. This happens, both during sleep and during the waking period. Parents should try to behave next to the baby a little quieter.

Metabolic disorders can also cause the child to tremble, to resolve the problem, parents are advised to see a doctor.

The flinches observed during urination require a referral to a specialist in cases where the child has pain during this process.