Why the child often blinks his eyes - the reasons

Attentive moms sometimes notice that their child often blinks, tightly clasping their eyelids. Often, however, he seems to be taking his eyes off to the side. Some moms and dads do not give this fact a proper value, but in most cases, too frequent blinking is an unfavorable factor.

In this article we will tell you why the child often blinks his eyes, and what reasons contribute to it.

Why does the child often blink?

Often parents turn to the doctor with a question, why the child began to blink often. A detailed examination may reveal the following reasons:

What should I do if my child starts blinking often?

If the child often blinks his eyes, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In different situations, your baby is shown an observation from an ophthalmologist or neurologist. A qualified doctor will establish the true reason why a child often blinks and frowns, and then prescribes appropriate treatment for the underlying disease.

For example, in case of drying the cornea, foreign body or micro-trauma eyes, moistening drops will be prescribed, as well as disinfectant and anti-inflammatory compresses from calendula, chamomile and other medicinal herbs. With a decrease in visual acuity, for example, as a result of excessive strain on the eyes, special exercises and a complex of vitamins with lutein are shown.

If the cause of such a disorder lies in neurological factors, the doctor will also prescribe the appropriate drugs. Meanwhile, the main thing that parents need to do during the treatment of such diseases is to create a comfortable home for the child, treat him kindly and calmly, and also try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Strong night sleep, long active walks, full and rational nutrition, moderate physical activity - all this is extremely important for the fragile psyche of a young child.

Also, in case of nervous tic and other disorders from the nervous system, relaxation massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics and bathing with decoctions of various soothing plants, such as motherwort, mint, valerian and others, can help.