Care for the newborn - myths and reality

Since the birth of a young child, his young mother receives many advices and instructions on how she should behave with him. And it is very difficult for inexperienced mothers to choose from them those that will be the most correct.

To help young parents decide, in this article we will review the existing myths about the upbringing of newborn children and find contradictions with modern reality.

The first 40 days can not be shown to anyone and do not take the child out of the house at all

In some nations, this is stipulated even in religion. But the child simply needs to get used to fresh air, the sun, the wind and other natural phenomena. Therefore, you must walk with a newborn, and if you do not want your child to see someone, then close the stroller with a mosquito net.

You can not wake a newborn

It is believed that this can not be done because the child's mind can not wake up simultaneously with the body. But this is not so, the only thing that can happen is unpleasant - this child can get scared and cry.

The first months of life you need to swaddle

Now very often elderly people crooked legs in young children are associated with the lack of tight diapering and the use of diapers. But it has already been proved that the curvature of the legs is in no way connected with this, but depends on the intrauterine development and genetic predisposition.

The first hair of the baby must be shaved

It is recommended to do this in 1 year , in order for a child to grow thick and strong hair. But much to the chagrin of parents, very often this does not happen, because the quality of hair is inherited from parents.

Daily it is necessary to wash the child with soap, and after lubricating with creams and talcum powder

This myth can only harm the skin condition of the child, since soap dries it, causes irritation and disrupts the natural microflora. It is normal to wash a child with soap 1-2 times a week, and wash the rest of the time in plain water or with herbs . Excessive use of various creams or talc is also harmful, they should be used only if necessary: ​​when diaper rash or rash occurs.

Presence of diaper rash is normal

With normal health and proper care, diaper rash does not occur. Therefore, their appearance indicates the presence of a problem: lack of skin fresh air, poor washing, incorrectly selected diaper or allergic reaction.

Red cheeks always denote diathesis

Redness of the cheeks can be caused by contact with active substances or hard tissues. To identify this you will need to wash without using the child's soap for several days, and if the redness comes down, then this is definitely not a diathesis.

The shape of the navel depends on how it was "tied up"

There is no connection between this. Each person has his own individual characteristics that affect the shape and development of all parts of the body.

The breast should be doped with water

With natural feeding, when the frequency of feeding depends on the child's desire, water is absolutely not needed. In a hot period, you can offer a baby to drink, but you can not make it drink, because water is poorly excreted from the body of the baby and swelling may form. To children who are on artificial feeding, on the contrary the use of water is recommended.

Infants can not be rocked

Wrong, babies can not be violently shaken. And moderate motion sickness only calms children, trains their vestibular apparatus and improves spatial coordination.

Breastfeeding after a year complicates adaptation to the society

There is no evidence of a link between the period of feeding and the ability of a child to adapt. This myth appeared at a time when mothers had to go to work early and give the child to the garden. In such cases, they had to wean from the chest. And now moms can feed their babies as much as they want.

Listening to the advice of grandmothers and mothers, we must not forget that they brought up their children at another time, so some of their recommendations simply do not work in our time.