Corn Diet - The Best Slimming Options With Corn

Less than a week to get rid of 3-5 extra pounds will help a corn diet. Corn seeds contain enzymes that burn fats, cleanse the body of harmful toxins and toxins. Like all diets, a diet on corn is effective with the right approach and no contraindications.

Corn - good and harm for losing weight

Many nutritionists are arguing whether it is possible to eat corn when losing weight, or it is better to resort to other variants of diets. However, the effectiveness of maize with weight loss is proven, it is due to a number of properties of maize:

All kinds of diets on corn are strict. If such diets are observed, the following are excluded from the diet:

Fish and meat are excluded because of the high content of vegetable protein in corn. Along with them, important amino acids are excluded. The lack of animal proteins in the diet leads to flabbiness of the muscles, the lack of glucose is bad for the brain. For these reasons, most diets on corn last no more than one week, more often - 3-4 days, the repetition of the diet is possible only after six months.

Important! Corn has medical contraindications:

Corn Diet for Weight Loss

If there are no contraindications, you can eat corn with the diet without fear. Corn in slimming is used in different forms: boiled, canned, cereals, cereals and even sticks. If the dietary diet includes freshly harvested grains, proceed to a better diet in late summer, in the "corn season".

Diet on boiled corn

This option is perfect for late summer, when the cobs are really fresh. Use boiled corn for weight loss in such a simple express diet (3-day, weight loss up to 4 kg). Repeat daily:

Diet on corn porridge

For a diet, cook cereal better from corn cereals , previously soaked for the night in boiling water. Before cooking, the rump needs to be washed (the starch content will decrease, and the caloric content will decrease), cook in a 1: 4 ratio on the water. Corn and weight loss - so you can call a 3-day mono-diet on corn porridge. 3 consecutive days allowed to eat no more than 600 grams of cereal in water without oil and sugar. You can add sea salt and you need to add sesame fried in a hot and dry frying pan. The result is up to minus 5 kg of excess weight.

Diet on canned corn

Use and canned corn in the diet. Its caloric content is lower than fresh, only 58 kcal per 100 g, and it is available all year round. Not all useful substances are preserved during conservation, but necessary in the diet for weight loss remain. A simple and effective corn diet of this type lasts 4 days:

  1. Day 1 and 2: 100 g of corn for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Vegetable salad , always with green onions and without oil, 1 apple.
  2. Day 3 and 4: already 50 g for every meal. The same vegetable salad, you can add boiled champignons, but not more than 150 g.

Diet on corn flakes

Porridge from corn flakes with weight loss leads to normalization of digestion processes, a noticeable decrease in gas production. With such a diet on corn, you can use only pure flakes, without the addition of sugar or honey. Porridge from flakes is not only prepared faster, but also absorbed by the body.

Express diet on corn flakes lasts 4 days, and is based on 4 meals a day: lunch, lunch, lunch (mandatory), dinner. Excluded entirely spices, sugar, salt, you can drink only green tea. Each meal includes:

Variants of diets on corn are plentiful, but from each important it is important to get out. Otherwise, the result will be preserved for a short time. Graduality is the main rule when exiting the corn diet. Daily add 100 calories to the ration, first increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, then add boiled meat and baked lean fish. Gradually you will return to your normal diet without gaining weight.