How to develop a child in 8 months?

At the age of eight or nine months, the toddler is already an irrepressible explorer. To stimulate his interest, games should be interesting to him and appropriate to age. The best fun for the child is his mother, so you need to try to give him the maximum amount of time.

Developing toys for children 8 months

A kid under the age of one and a half years needs simple but interesting toys, and it is not necessary to pay a lot of money for them. Bright rattles with different sounds that are comfortable to hold in the handle, soft and solid cubes, pyramids, rubber peeples, balls and the very first books - that's enough for an eight-month-old baby.

Developing classes for children 8 months

At this age, the children themselves start to sit down and tend to crawl, and some also walk. Stimulate the motor activity is necessary with the help of massages or dynamic gymnastics. Walking by the arms and crawling on the texture surface of the developing mat informs the diverse information to the brain, which is necessary for the small researcher.

Who does not know how to develop a child's home in 8-9 months, believes that it is necessary for him to start attending any schools of early development. In fact, this is not so. An active and purposeful mother can very well give her child knowledge, no worse than a teacher in such a center.

Developing games for children of 8 months are very simple. For example, it can be games with a pyramid, when the mother shows how to put a ringlet on the pin. A little time will pass and the kid will be able to do it himself.

In parallel, colors are studied, which should not be too much, but only the main ones: red, yellow, blue and green. Kids very quickly grasp such information, and even without knowing how to talk, they begin to show the right colors. The main thing is not to stop and constantly fix the result.

Children of eight months with pleasure play hide and seek, they like when my mother covers her face with her hands, and then she "is" under the gurgling laughter of the baby. Or he covers the head with a diaper, and then, sharply pulling back, watches the reaction of others.

All games can be accompanied by merry rhymes , which well train the memory of the child and replenish his passive vocabulary. To catch a bright ball to the kid of eight months still not under force, and here to catch up with him on all fours, moreover and race with mum - just right. Balls can be several different in size, color and texture and then the child will never get bored with playing with them.

And finally, do not forget to communicate with the baby more, constantly telling him about everything that you see around you, without fail giving the opportunity to study all of this with pens.