How much should a month-old baby eat?

Often, young moms are worried that their month-old baby eats too little breast milk or an adapted milk formula. Some of them begin weighing the baby before and after feeding to make sure that he has eaten enough.

Nevertheless, all children develop at their own pace, and each of them can eat in different ways. In this article we will tell you how much breastmilk or mixture must be eaten by a monthly baby at a time, and how you can check if enough baby eats and everything is fine with it.

How to determine how much a month-old baby should eat?

In order to determine the rate of daily intake of milk or a mixture by your baby, its weight in grams should be divided by the height in centimeters, and then the resulting figure multiplied by 7. On average, this figure for a month-old child is about 600 grams. Thus, depending on the number of feedings per day, the infant must eat 50 to 90 ml of milk at a time.

If you want to know how much your one-month-old baby eats for one feeding, weigh it immediately before putting it to your chest, and then immediately after feeding in the same clothes. How much the baby's weight has increased will roughly indicate how much breastmilk he drank. Of course, monitor the process feeding a child on artificial feeding is much easier - with the help of a scale applied to a bottle, you can easily notice how much milk mixture your baby drank.

Nevertheless, all these calculations are very inaccurate. If your child is cheerful, active and feels well, but he never wants to drink 600 grams of milk, it means his need for it is not so high. In addition, the mother's milk can be too fat , and the crumb simply can not eat much.

The most important indicator for determining the normal health and development of the child in the first months of his life is weight gain. If in the period between the first and second month the mass of your baby increased by 20-25%, then the baby eats enough and develops absolutely normally.