Care for Thin Hair

Thin hair - the problem of many of the fair sex. Fortunately, modern technology allows even to solve it. Care for thin hair is a painstaking job. But beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice, and what beauty is possible without a luxurious head of hair? In the article, we will talk about how to properly care for weakened delicate hair and what to do so that others can not even guess about your problem.

An urgent problem - long thin hair

Long thin hair - a real trouble. Not only that they themselves do not look very attractive and are constantly confused, it is very difficult to collect at least a slightly more stylish hairstyle. Alas, no one can change the hair composition given by nature (of course, some stars can afford hair follicle transplantation and other expensive procedures, but we are talking about ordinary people). And therefore there is only one option - a constant careful care of delicate hair.

Strengthen your hair by using special shampoos and various professional remedies, making home health masks and rinses. And also, using some tricky tricks, you can disguise a thin head of hair. So, for example, an asymmetrical mowing of medium length on thin hair will look as good as possible.

Effective shampoos and products for fine hair

Thin hair suffers from a lack of keratin. From this, and you need to build on, choosing balms and shampoos. There are other tips for choosing means to care for thin hair:

  1. Thin hair is dirty much faster than other types, so it is recommended to wash them every day. That is why shampoos need to be selected accordingly.
  2. It is advisable to give preference to shampoos for fine hair with panthenol and protein. Many people say that after using such a product, the hair grows a little thicker.
  3. If thin hair is prone to fat, then it is best to wash it with shampoo, which contains tea tree oil.
  4. It is recommended to use conditioners designed exclusively for fine hair. In general, hairdressers instead of traditional air conditioners recommend using special sprays that will not make your hair heavier.

Styling products and masks for fine hair

For styling on thin hair, the means should be selected with special care. Strongly fixing means is strictly not recommended to use - they will only glue the hair, make them dull, dry and even more brittle. The ideal option - means of weak and medium fixation.

To give health to hair, without affecting them with chemical means (even the most expensive professional ones), you can regularly make special masks.

Egg mask - the most simple and effective:

  1. The yolk is mixed with a spoon of butter and applied to dry hair.
  2. This mask should be covered with a plastic wrap for about twenty minutes.
  3. Wash off using an ordinary shampoo, and rinse with diluted citric acid.

This mask - for those who are tormented by the question of how to give volume to thin hair:

  1. Egg and spoon of ground green tea (the proportion may increase, depending on the length of the hair) are mixed in a small amount of boiling water.
  2. The mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair and keeps on the head for about half an hour.

This mask needs to be done a couple of times a week.

Useful for fine hair and a mask of oatmeal . The recipe is simple:

  1. Flour is poured hot water and stirred until creamy.
  2. If desired, you can add yolk or essential oils (tea tree, for example).

By the way, the view that chemistry can give volume to thin hair, is mistaken. Of course, it will be possible to achieve the temporary volume, but later on the hair will become even more fragile, dull and weak.