Copper hair color

Copper hair color can be called one of the most daring and attracting attention, with the help of which a truly fascinating image is created. However, it should be borne in mind that this color is not suitable for everyone, because it must be combined with the color of the eyes to emphasize their expressiveness, and a touch of skin to refresh it and hide the small flaws.

Who is the brass hair color?

Specialists of the beauty industry identified the main color types of appearance, named for the times of the year, each of which is recommended its own color palette for hair. Copper hair color is ideal for representatives of the "autumn" type, which are characterized by a thin skin of a warm, slightly golden hue, usually without blush (even skin color) and bright eyes of green, olive, rich gray and light-brown color. It also suits the owners of a transparent milk-colored skin and those who have a natural hair color that is golden-blond or chestnut. Those who have skin pale and very light eyes or dark skin and very dark hair from nature, it is worth to abandon the copper-colored hair.

Shades of brass hair color

Shades of copper-colored hair are very diverse, and when choosing them, it is especially necessary to take into account the natural color of the hair and the color of the eyes.

Copper-brown hair color is as close to natural shade and suitable for hair of any texture. It fits perfectly with all the shades of brown eyes. This shade of copper color is the optimal solution for those who want to look natural, but at the same time, give the hair a light tint. Copper-blonde hair will look especially attractive in sunlight.

Copper-red hair color will adorn the fair-skinned women with blond hair, ideal for those who have light freckles on their face. It is combined with eyes of bright gray, bright blue and bright green colors. This fiery hue gives the impression of a bright, independent and freedom-loving nature and can really correct the character traits of modest young ladies, highlighting them from the crowd and allowing them to feel their exclusivity.

Dark copper and brown-copper hair color will suit women with a light yellowish complexion and dark hair. Especially good it is combined with gray-green and kare-green eyes. This tone will refresh the complexion, soften the strict image, add romanticism and femininity.

Golden-copper hair color is an optimal choice for girls with natural red hair and for those who want to add brightness and expressiveness to their image. He can profitably shade pinkish skin color and will perfectly match with green-yellow eyes. This warm shade is also close to natural color, allows you to preserve the natural hair transfusions in the sun.

Copper-red hair color is compatible with the skin of sandy hue, but it is contraindicated for those who often blush or are prone to allergic reactions on the face. The shade of red copper is an excellent choice for dark-haired by nature young ladies who want to give an image of extravagance.

Hair care, painted in copper color

Copper hair color can be obtained with the help of natural dye - henna, as well as chemicals - persistent paints or tinted balms that are quickly washed off. In any case, copper hair requires constant staining as the hair roots grow and the coloring agent flushes off. It is preferable to use cosmetics intended for dyed hair for washing and care of hair.

It is also worth noting that the copper color of hair should be combined with a wardrobe that should not have too saturated colors, and make-up, which must be expressive enough.