How to overcome depression?

The life of any of us is impossible without stress, besides, stress is a very useful thing that helps the body to mobilize forces. However, after such mobilization and "saving yourself drowning", the forces and resources run low, a feeling of devastation, weariness, unfitness, descending hands and do not want to live. Of course, you wanted to live! The body does not have the strength to live, it needs to be accumulated again.

In other words, the answer to such a popular question of how to overcome depression, on our part, will be the council to generate energy. How to do it - read below!

Stress and depression: elements of recovery

Sport - we move and we breathe. When we breathe (and the more actively we do it), the more oxygen and nutrients enter the brain, simply because during active movement the vessels expand, and the speed of the flow of all processes accelerates. Each of our cells gets a supply of energy, despite the fact that while doing sports, we spend it (remember the generation of energy). So, if you really care how to overcome stress and depression, despite reluctance, laziness, fatigue and loss of strength, get up and move, realizing that this is good for you.

Pleasure - as soon as the melancholy comes it is necessary to learn to indulge. Exactly! Learn to give yourself pleasure and something to pamper: buy a thing you've been dreaming about, eat something that you do not allow yourself daily, do a manicure and be lazy in the bath. By the way, we will remember about pleasures when we learn how to overcome depression after parting.


It is proved that women are much stronger and more impressed with parting with men, especially if this man was your husband, and even more if after that parting you stayed with the baby in your arms. Add oil to the fire:

After the divorce, many women stop watching themselves, get acquainted with men, believe in men and are afraid of serious relationships. Women fall into protracted depression, reach psychoses and even suicides. The reason is that, confronted with loneliness (for the first time in many years, or even for the first time in life), a woman is afraid of being unnecessary for the world.

But in fact, how to overcome depression after a divorce is not an empty and rhetorical question. Remember the pleasures and something positive:

Depression after childbirth

Every woman after childbirth feels that something is changing in her body again. Some experience this more, some in less. However, the majority of young mothers who only brought home their first-born child, postpartum depression, the cause of which is only in hormones (and even what you think is cold to both you and the baby, is also caused by hormones). During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone rises rapidly, after delivery, it rapidly falls, after the first application of the baby to the breast prolactin begins to grow. All this, no matter how trifling these physiological processes sounded, is reflected in our vision of the world. A few tips for young mothers how to overcome postpartum depression: