Sword-bearers - reproduction

Even if you are an aspiring aquarist, and want beautiful and not too capricious fish to swim in your pond, the swordsmen will be an excellent option for you. These beautiful creatures are characterized by beauty and a wide variety of species. Reproduction of sword-bearers at home is proceeding peacefully, so it will not be difficult to breed them independently.

The original name of these fish is due to the characteristic process in the males near the lower part of the tail, reminiscent of the sword, as well as a narrow, elongated on the sides slightly flattened body. They do not require special care, and their relations with representatives of other fish species are very friendly.

Reproduction of aquarium fish sword

Sexual maturity of swordsmen begins at about the age of 5-7 months, this largely depends on the temperature of the water in which the fry were grown. Quite an interesting fact that at a higher water temperature - more males grow, at lower - more females.

Since these aquarium fish are viviparous, their breeding is not so difficult, rather, on the contrary. Before the offspring are born, the male fertilizes the female. In such an "interesting position" after fertilization, it lasts about forty days. Before giving birth, the abdomen of the female begins to increase and, in the course of time, resembles a square more. I must say that the reproduction of fish swords is quite an interesting process. A pregnant female can throw fries for several months. There are cases when the female dies after birth, but fortunately this happens extremely rarely. For one litter, the female produces about fifty fairly large, already fully formed fry that can independently move around and eat green algae.

When the female sword is ready for reproduction, it should be placed in a separate container with a large number of small-leaved green plants. This will help the cubs to hide, thus avoiding destruction.

If the "mother" is fed properly, she will not eat the fry, but after giving birth it must be planted in a common aquarium. However, there are cases when the female produced offspring and did not eat its young, but on the contrary, accompanied them under its protection.

The first fry for the fry can be a chopped tubular, nematodes, artemia, a softened yolk of a boiled chicken egg, as well as a special industrial feed for fry viviparous.

What if the multiplication of the sword bearers occurred in a common aquarium?

In this case, first of all the fry should be immediately neatly using a net with a small cell, removed and moved to a separate pond.

Many lovers of wildlife If this is not done, then the kids can become a food for other inhabitants of the aquarium. They ask how the fish of the swordbill breed in a common aquarium, because newborn babies are in serious danger here. In this case, you just need to place in the pond plants that form dense thickets, in which the fry could easily hide from predators. These can be cabomba, elodea, vallisneria, etc. seaweed. In this case, green thickets should alternate with free space, so that other fish have enough free space for swimming.

The most interesting fact, in the propagation of swordfish, is that they are able to interbreed with each other, regardless of species, thereby generating a new population of unique fish. Therefore, who knows, maybe you will be lucky enough to become the owner of a unique and amazing kind of sword bearers.