Frequent headaches - causes

Headache is a fairly common ailment not only in adults, but also in young children. Sometimes she appears occasionally, for example, as a result of a cold or alcohol abuse. And sometimes a headache can become a constant companion, the reasons for which are quite diverse.

Basically, people who are prone to headaches begin to look for ways to get rid of it on their own, using medicines on the advice of friends. As a rule, these are painkillers, which only relieve the pain symptom, without having a therapeutic effect on the root cause. Let's try to understand the causes of frequent headaches.

External factors

Headaches, which regularly poison life, can be a consequence of a suffered trauma to the skull. Particular headaches caused by such a cause may be accompanied by dizziness and nausea, as well as visual impairment and coordination of movements.

Stressful situations, depression, mental trauma can become the psychological causes of frequent headaches. At this time, a person's general activity decreases, phobias appear, and appetite disappears.

Some products containing a large amount of preservatives and nitrites can provoke the appearance of this ailment in people with increased sensitivity.

A large amount of coffee and tea can cause an increase in blood pressure and, as a consequence, the occurrence of regular headaches. Try to reduce the amount of these liquids to 1-2 cups a day.

A frequent headache is a symptom of the disease

If, nevertheless, the headache against the background of general well-being continues to appear regularly, it is best to consult a doctor. This malaise can become one of the symptoms of a huge number of diseases, so be prepared for the fact that you will be given a full examination with an X-ray, the delivery of laboratory tests, ultrasound and MRI.

One of the causes of the headache may be a fluctuation in blood pressure. Frequent headaches in the temples and frontal zone, especially with changing weather, can signal an increased pressure (hypertension). Pain under reduced pressure (hypotension) can spread throughout the head or have a clear localization anywhere.

Migraine is a disease not fully understood, but it is assumed that these headaches are a consequence of genetic predisposition, and they are diagnosed as vascular headaches. Frequent headaches with migraines can be very strong, which entails a temporary loss of efficiency. Basically, the pain sensations are concentrated on one side of the head.

ENT diseases are often accompanied by pain in the head. Among them are:

Basically, it's pain localized by inflammation.

The cause of frequent headaches in the nape, as a rule, is the presence of cervical osteochondrosis. Spending most of the time in a passive state (at work, at home on the couch, in cars, etc.), 80% of people over 30 have this degenerative disease. In addition, osteochondrosis can be a consequence:

Female gender can experience frequent headaches as one of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Violation of the hormonal background, the climacteric period also predisposes to frequent occurrence of headaches.

How to track the incidence of pain?

To understand what causes most often provoke the appearance of headaches, as well as facilitate the production of a true diagnosis, before going to the doctor it is recommended to make a small monitoring. To do this for a while, try to write down such data: