How to get rid of the fungus on the walls?

Fungi or mold often settle in our homes, bringing not only visual unattractiveness, but also causing great harm to the health of the inhabitants. Fungus can appear on any surface - wooden, brick, stone, plaster and wallpaper.

Causes of fungus on the walls

This happens for one of the following reasons:

In each of these cases, the presence of moisture is implied. Fighting high humidity in an apartment or house is the main way to fight mold on the walls.

Fighting the fungus on the walls in the apartment

To eliminate the cause, and not only the effect of dampness, you need to insulate the walls, provide uniform heating throughout the apartment / house, take care of quality ventilation, install equipment to dry the air, do not dry clothes at home, use a hood during cooking.

Ways to fight directly with the fungus on the walls

Before using this or that remedy for mold, you need to carefully remove all existing spores from the walls. For this, mechanically clean the walls, floor, ceiling from the fungus. You can use a hard brush or a scraper for this. Be sure to work in a respirator, as fungus spores are very toxic to living organisms.

Next you need to apply on the cleaned surfaces antiseptic primer, which can be bought in a construction shop. It is applied very simply with the help of a paint brush. After the primer has dried, you can again cover the wall with wallpaper or apply another finishing material.

How to get rid of the fungus on the walls of folk remedies?

Our grandmothers also knew how to get rid of the fungus on concrete walls with the help of simple tools that we always have at hand. Following their experience, you can treat the infected surface with one of these liquids:

Of course, all these means can not guarantee the complete disappearance of mold, besides, it can soon return again. Fighting should not only lead to the manifestations of the fungus, but reach all damaged layers, up to the brickwork.

After removing all the damaged layers and drying the walls, they must be treated with the preparation from the fungus. Of the folk remedies, in this case, a clerical diluted with water is used. More modern means - special preparations from a fungus of type "Fongifluid Alp", "Olymp Stop-mold" or "Biotol Spray".