Red caviar - calorie content

At the word "caviar" the face of a true connoisseur and gourmand acquires an expression of higher pleasure and spiritual satisfaction. Still would! The world-famous "Russian Caviar" is the standard of luxury and financial prosperity, while emphasizing the subtle gastronomic taste of man. True, in this case we are talking about sturgeon (black) caviar, the cost of which on the market has long been measured in thousands of dollars. Alas, sturgeon stocks are melting, and even their artificial breeding can not saturate the market with this gastronomic masterpiece.

We will dwell on the more accessible caviar - red. This product is extracted from fish of the salmon family, whose representatives are still very numerous, especially in the northern part of the Pacific basin. The main "suppliers" of red caviar are pink salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon. The most common is roe salmon roe, and the largest is sockeye salmon.

Calorie and caviar benefits

It is well known that caviar is a valuable food product and, in addition to exceptional taste qualities, has a huge nutritional value and is able to support the human body in its own tone, even if there is no other food.

Let's take a look at the most curious, how many calories in red caviar. For 100 g of net weight, about 260-300 kcal are needed. However, eating sandwiches with it, we must take into account not only the calorie content of red caviar, but also:

As you can see, the fatty and nutritious product of caviar is nothing compared to bread and butter.

Vitamins contained in caviar, perfectly strengthen the immune system, improve brain function, enhance vision and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Red caviar is practically ideal, and often indispensable, a product for postoperative patients. Perfectly removes radionuclides from the body.

Particularly useful and rich in vitamins are fresh, light-salted red caviar from freshly caught fish - the so-called popular "five-minute". However, alas, this, truly royal dish, you can taste only in the Far East and only in a certain season, when the herds of salmon go from the ocean to the rivers to spawn ...

Caloric content of red caviar and weight loss

The caloric value of red caviar leads to the fact that many people, concerned about the preservation of the figure, fear it. At the same time, its relative high cost in regions far from its production, also does not contribute to its frequent consumption.

Calories consumed not with red caviar, but because of, rapidly add up, as soon as we begin to generously saber white bread (for caviar after all!) With butter, and even consume it with fat pancakes. And, frankly, it will affect the figure only in the case of restless consumption - either 3-liter cans of caviar per day, or a whole pack of butter to a 50-gram jar of modest, salmon caviar.

If you consume 50-100 grams of caviar every day with a moderate amount of "extra products" (bread, butter, pancakes), this will not lead to weight gain, but it will ensure your energy for the whole day!

So the diet on red caviar is not fantastic at all, but quite a reality. A sturgeon of caviar a day, a little cracker and lots of green tea - a great energy diet for a week!