Barvinok - medicinal properties and contraindications

The name of this plant is on hearing, but mentioning it, far not many can imagine how it actually looks. I must admit, the appearance is not the main advantage of the flower, and it looks really inconspicuous. The therapeutic properties and contraindications of the periwinkle are much more important. For a long time the plant is used in medicine. And even the most ardent adherents of traditional methods of treatment recommend it.

Therapeutic properties of vinca flowers

There are several dozen varieties of periwinkle. And each of them is useful in its own way. The most effective is a periwinkle small. To his help, doctors are treated most often. Not bad proved and a pink flower. But the small in terms of the number of healing properties, he clearly inferior.

The therapeutic periwinkle is because it contains a huge number of different useful substances, among which:

To the list of the basic medical properties of the periwinkle it is customary to refer:

Means made on the basis of a flower, it is customary to treat hypertension and disorders of cerebral circulation. Barvinok favorably affects the state of the central nervous system, so doctors recommend it for neuroses, polyneuritis, coordination disorders, migraines, and neurogenic tachycardia. In addition, the plant is excellent for restoring the body after meningoencephalitis.

The healing properties of grass periwinkles have found application in otolaryngology. They are used to combat diseases of the ears, throat and nose, caused by inflammatory processes, circulatory disorders, infections. And ophthalmologists with the help of flowers are struggling with disorders of capillary circulation in the retina and angiopathic retinopathy.

The healing properties of the rosepink plant are used to treat diseases such as:

Tincture on the flower has established itself as an excellent remedy for toothache.

How to apply Periwinkle?

Traditional healers came up with many recipes for the use of plants. And most of them are quite simple:

  1. If there are no warnings and contraindications to the use of beneficial properties of vinca, from it you can prepare a decoction from hypertension. Take it should be three to four times a day for a quarter of a glass.
  2. The same broth, if necessary, used for dermatitis externally. The liquid simply rinses the affected areas of the skin.
  3. Infusion on the water bath - an excellent remedy for headaches . Take it a couple of tablespoons three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of vinca

Each plant has a contraindication to use. And at a periwinkle even more so. All because its composition contains poisonous substances. That's why herbal medicines should be taken, strictly following all recommendations and doses. Otherwise, intoxication, cardiovascular problems may occur:

  1. Abandon the vinca completely will have during pregnancy and during lactation.
  2. The flower is not recommended for constipation.
  3. Another contraindication is a bradycardia.