Ceiling tile from foam plastic

The ceiling tiles made of foam plastic were very popular a few years ago. Then every self-respecting owner of the apartment sought to renovate the renovation, decorating the ceiling with beautiful tiles of this light material. Now there are other, more practical ways of final finishing of the ceiling, however, foam tiles are still in demand, because this is the cheapest and quickest solution.

Types of ceiling tiles from foam plastic

Ceiling tiles from foam can have a variety of shades, decorated with a pattern. You can see on the shelves of shops also smooth options or those that have a relief surface and form a similarity of stucco on the ceiling. According to the type of top coating, there are three types of ceiling tiles made on foam-based basis.

The first is laminated ceiling tiles made of foam. They are covered from above with a special PVC film, which creates the effect of lamination. Such tiles are smooth, can have a huge number of colors (in fact, the color range is unlimited, except as an assortment of the store). This tile is moisture-resistant, so that it can be used even when decorating bathrooms . In addition, it does not burn out for long enough in the sun, but retains its original color.

The second type is a seamless ceiling tile made of foam. Such a tile has maximally even edges, which, when glued, fit tightly to each other. This allows you to avoid sealing the seams between the tiles and then painting the entire ceiling.

Finally, there is a special mirror tile, which produces a special mirror coating on the plastic surface, which gives it some reflective effect. Particularly suitable is a tile for the decoration of small rooms, because visually makes the ceiling higher, and the dimensions of the room - more.

Advantages and disadvantages of tiles made of foam plastic

Ceiling tiles from foam have very impressive advantages and disadvantages, so that the owner himself must decide what is more important for him.

The main advantages of foam plastic tiles is its low price and ease of work with this material. Indeed, for very modest money, you can completely trim the ceiling of the room with tiles, besides, you can carry out repairs yourself, without recruiting specialists. It is only necessary to correctly choose what to glue the ceiling tiles made of foam plastic. To fix it on the ceiling, special adhesive compounds are used, which are marked on the package (for example, "Glue for tiles"). Foam tiles can easily be cut with a conventional knife or scissors, it can be given any shape, which allows you to gently trim the corners in the room. Such a tile is washed and resistant to moisture, which allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity. The cutting ability of the tile makes it possible to make various cracks and stains on the ceiling invisible.

In this case, the lack of foam tiles is the need for preliminary work on leveling the surface, because the tile will make all the projections even more pronounced. The instability of such a coating to temperature drops is also noted. Tiles just begin to fall off the ceiling. Therefore, it is better not to use foam plaques in country cottages.

But the greatest concern is the harmfulness of ceiling tiles from foam. Of course, the fact that high-quality tiles constantly emits harmful fumes into the air is an absolute myth, but the poisonous substances that are formed when heated are the truth. Therefore, fires in rooms with a similar finish are so dangerous, besides it is not recommended to use foam plastic tiles for repairs in the kitchen.