How to prepare for pregnancy after 30?

For various reasons, many women are increasingly thinking about the child at a fairly mature age. They believe that before you have children, you need to get your own housing, build a career. That is why the question of how to prepare for pregnancy after 30 years, gynecologists hear more often. Let's consider the basic aspects, we will tell about nuances that it is necessary to observe at planning of pregnancy.

How to prepare for pregnancy after 30?

First of all, a woman should contact a doctor for a series of examinations. In addition, doctors advise to adhere to the following series of rules:

  1. Consultation, examination in the gynecological chair. This stage is the initial, allows you to accurately identify the violations that can be an obstacle to conception ( endometriosis, polyps, cervical erosion, etc.).
  2. Hand over smears for the degree of purity of the vagina and the urethra. With the help of such laboratory methods, it is possible to reveal latent infections of the genital tract, among which the sexual ones prevail: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, etc.
  3. Examination of the sexual partner. The health of the future pope is an important factor for successful conception. Ideally, when a spouse and a wife are examined, they give smears from the urethra.
  4. Reception of stimulant drugs. In those cases when a woman has a violation, infection, an appropriate course of therapy is prescribed. If there are none, the future mother is healthy, take vitamin complexes, minerals to restore their balance in the body: Elevit pronatal, folic acid, Vitrum, etc.
  5. Approximately 2-3 months, complete abolition of oral contraceptives is made, intrauterine contraceptive is removed.

What are the risks associated with late gestation?

Having dealt with how to prepare the body for pregnancy after 30, it must be said that the process itself is accompanied by a number of dangers at this age. They include:

  1. Weak labor activity. Many women at the age of thirty, closer to 35 years, face a violation of the process of childbirth.
  2. High risk of developing kidney pathologies. It is scientifically proven that after 35 years the probability of having children with genetic pathology increases: Down's syndrome, trisomy, polysomy, etc.
  3. Long recovery period. The process of labor for the female body is a great stress, which he can not always cope with. As a result, an exacerbation of chronic infections and diseases.