Children's greed - how to teach a child to share?

There is no such mother in the world who has not encountered the manifestation of greed from her baby. Although there is an opinion that reluctance to share is the result of poor education, lack of attention, or just a bad character trait, which you need to "burn with fire and sword", in fact, this is not so. So what is childish greed? How to deal with it and teach the child to share - look for answers in our article.

Child greed - from 1.5 to 3 years

At the age of about 2 years, my mother begins with a horror to notice that her, before such a kind and generous, the baby turns into a terrible greedy. Walking on the court is a real test: the child jealously defends his toys, shares nothing with anyone, but does not refuse from other people's toys. Public opinion makes a severe sentence: "The child behaves disgustingly! Mom urgently needs to engage in his upbringing! "In fact, nothing terrible and requiring immediate intervention does not happen, the kid just stepped onto the next stage of development. At the age of 1,5-2 years the child realizes himself as a separate person having the right to personal property. It was during this period that the words "I", "mine" appear in the vocabulary of the child and he begins to defend his personal space. How can I behave to my mother? There are two strategies of behavior:

  1. The child should share - in this case, the mother is on the side of society, thereby infringing on her baby. This way is erroneous, because the kid does not understand Mama's good intentions, but sees only one thing: my mother is at one with those who want to offend him.
  2. The child can share - the mother offers the child to share the toy, but the final choice is left for him. In this case, the child does not feel restrained, guilty, or bad.

The most important task that confronts the mother is to lay the child's understanding that there is "someone else's", which can only be taken with the permission of the owner. A child in two years is already quite able to distinguish between his and other people's toys and should understand that without demand they can not be missed.

Children's greed - from 3 to 5 years

At the age of about 3 years, it's time for joint children's games. In the kindergarten and on the playground, children begin to break into small groups of interests and toys become part of the game. During this period, the child begins to share his toys with others for the sake of joint exciting activities. But often parents notice that the child's generosity is selective. Sharing toys with some children, he still does not admit others to them. Is it possible to consider such a child greedy? No no and one more time no. Then the law of the "near circle" works: the child admits only those who are really sympathetic to him, and he does not feel sorry for these people. Therefore, if a child shares with family members and friends, it is unreasonable to shame him for greed for others. It is possible to show only by unobtrusive example, that to share with others is pleasant and good.

Children's greed - from 5 to 7 years

At the age of 5-7 years, a frank reluctance to share with anyone speaks about the child's hidden psychological problems: loneliness in the family, jealousy for a younger brother or sister , pathological leadership thirst, shyness , pedantry. In this case, parents can, of course, force the child to share with others, but the deep-seated problems of his personality will not solve it. The only way out is to go to a consultation with a psychologist who will help find the root cause. And how much the child can cope with their problems depends, in the first place, on his parents: their desire to re-examine the relationships within the family, to support the child in difficult times.