Lishay in a child - effective treatment of all types of disease

Many children like to pat dogs and cats on the street, but animals are often carriers of a variety of diseases. Lishay in a child is considered one of the most frequent dermatological diseases. Treatment should be started immediately, as the problem was discovered, so that the outbreaks did not spread throughout the body.

Signs of depriving children

Before starting treatment, parents should understand and know how the lichen in children looks. The disease is a lesion of the skin, caused by a parasitic fungus (microspores), which is characterized by a violation of the epidermis. Its main features are:

  1. At the outset, the disease manifests pale pink spots (hyperemia) with a slight swelling. The skin underneath them is always flaky.
  2. Over time, the lichen in the child extends to the shoulders, legs, hips and abdomen, and in rare cases - to the nails and head.
  3. In neglected situations, the baby can get body temperature, and the lymph nodes increase in size.

The lichen on the head of the child has the main sign - broken hair at one height (about 5-8 mm), and sometimes a sharp drop out. Even to the main symptoms of the disease can be added that on the perimeter of the focus formed a roller that has an intense color. It consists of small pimples (papules), which slightly rise above the affected skin, and inside the spot appear others.

Simple blistering

Herpes simplex is often called a vesicle. It is characterized by inflammation of the skin with small, filled with clear liquid, pimples. This disease occupies the second position (after the flu) in its prevalence, and the carriers of the virus is approximately 90% of the population of the entire globe. Infection can not be completely cured, so relapses often occur.

Especially often they occur:

Pink lichen in a child

The safest form of this disease is pink lichen in a child , treatment can be done at home, but only after consulting a doctor. In order to correctly diagnose, you need to take tests. It is caused by allergy or pathogenic infections of various kinds that fall on the skin. An outbreak can occur with a decrease in immunity in the autumn-winter period.

This deprivation occurs in the child on the face, back, limbs and abdomen in the form of a hearth that peels off from the center to the edges. The main symptoms include:

Ringworm in children

Answering the question about what causes the ringworm in children symptoms, it should be understood that the area of ​​injury is the scalp of the child's head. Visually, the focus resembles an inaccurately clipped beam, and it itself itches and flakes. Infecting this form is very easy through personal contact, personal hygiene items (towels) and other things. The disease is often spread in educational institutions and has a long incubation period.

Tinea in children

Types of depriving children are very different, but the most severe is shingled. This disease can last for several years and has various serious complications, so treatment should be started as soon as possible. The cause of the outbreak is a virus that enters the body of the child at any time of the year, but manifests itself with weakening of immunity.

Lishay in the child manifests itself in the form:

Red flat lichen in a child

Some types of lichen can flow into a chronic form, which is very difficult to treat. This form of the disease is rare in babies, but manifests as red spots filled with liquid. Besides:

Pityriasis multicolored lichen

Very often, pityriasis lichen in a child is also called multi-colored. It looks like pale pink spots that have no signs of inflammation. Treatment of this form of the disease is very specific and should only be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. The hearth progresses in a warm and humid place, so kids with excessive sweating are exposed to it more often. The rashes affect the baby face and neck, spread rapidly and lead to various complications.

Than to treat lichen at the child?

Parents should clearly understand that the treatment of depriving children at home is possible only after a complete examination with a dermatologist, which includes:

On the question of how to cure lichen in a child can answer only a doctor, since this procedure clearly depends on the stage and variety of the disease. With a light form you will be advised to treat the hearth, follow the rules of personal hygiene and adhere to a special diet, and in case of severe - they can completely isolate the baby and give him intensive therapy.

The main task of a dermatologist is to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body. For this, parents must:

  1. Do not allow the child to comb out lesions.
  2. To put on their children only natural cotton clothes so that moisture does not accumulate on the surface of the skin and a greenhouse effect is not created.
  3. Do not allow the site to be damaged by water.
  4. Use disinfectants in the apartment.
  5. Often handle toys and household items.
  6. Daily wet cleaning of the premises.

Treatment depriving a child can last from 2 weeks to several months, so parents need to show perseverance and patience. Doctors prescribe medicines depending on the situation. Very often they write:

Tablets from lichen for children

When there is such a disease as ringworm in children, the treatment is as follows:

  1. Isolation of the child from society is necessary.
  2. The affected areas are treated with medicines (ointments, creams, shampoos, aerosols) and 5% iodine solution.
  3. Write special drugs (Griseofulvin).
  4. The hair on the head is shaved off.

Depending on the type of depriving children appoint different pills:

Ointment for lichen for children

When there was lichen in a child, the treatment consists in treating the stains with various ointments based on natural ingredients, which should relieve the itching, reduce the focus and have a softening effect on the skin. The most effective drugs include:

  1. Miconazole - an antifungal ointment, it is used to combat multi-colored lichen. Apply the drug 2 times a day until the spots disappear completely.
  2. Mikoseptin - is made on the basis of zinc, which removes inflammation and restores skin. Used for ringworm.
  3. Clotrimazole - is used for pityriasis. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and has an antimycotic effect. It is applied to cleaned pockets 2 times a day with a thin layer.
  4. Zalain is an ointment based on naphthyfine, which has an antimicrobial effect and fights against the inflammatory process.
  5. Lamisil is an antimicrobial drug that has an intense effect on lesions. It can be applied to children over 2 years old.

Folk remedies for depriving children

Many specialists categorically do not recommend the treatment of depriving folk remedies in children, so as not to harm the baby. They can be used only in combination with therapeutic drugs and after the approval of a doctor. The most effective means are:

  1. Eggshell, it needs to be freed from protein and yolk, and a bubble with liquid (they remain on the bottom) to treat stains on the epidermis.
  2. Raisins, which rub the affected skin.
  3. Rye flour, it is sifted and cleaned, and then through the nylon fabric is applied to the foci.
  4. A mixture of castor oil and garlic juice, which is applied for several minutes to the problem areas.
  5. Tincture on birch leaves should be applied several times a day to the outbreaks, the remnants of the compress should not be removed.