Monster High Dolls - fakes

Peculiar sympathetic Monster Hai from a series of cartoons about vampires turned the notions of dolls, as tender and sweet toys, caused bewilderment among parents and psychologists and immensely loved modern children. Fashionable, bright, expressive, detailed, not similar to others - these young relatives of famous monsters stirred the public and left indifferent. Like all popular, they suffered a certain fate - counters, storefronts, pages of online stores filled fakes for dolls Monster High. In order not to spoil the mood for yourself and your child by buying a fake, you need to know how to distinguish a fake Monster High.

Determine the forgery for packaging

  1. The price . To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the price tag - we will not talk about specific figures, they vary, but the fact that the original can not cost like an ordinary doll is unambiguous. However, how much does the Monster High counterfeit cost, depends on its quality, and the fakes are often expensive, so the price can not be the only benchmark.
  2. Manufacturer . The development of the characters of Monster High belongs to the American company Mattel, but they are produced not in America, but in China and Indonesia, so that Chinese production is not a reason for skepticism. It is important to pay attention to the barcode, all Mattel products have a unique manufacturer code 46775. If other figures are on the box, then these Monster High dolls are fakes.
  3. Title . Any name other than "Monster High" says that dolls are fakes. Avoiding problems with the law, crafty manufacturers fantasize as much as they can - Monster School, Monster Doll, Hig Monster, etc. Also on the box the name of the heroine is mandatory.
  4. A box . The very packaging of the original pupa always has an interesting asymmetrical shape, while counterfeits are most often sold in ordinary rectangular boxes. Also, the packaging can not be fully plastic, the back and side walls are made of cardboard, and only plastic from the plastic.

Determine the fake Monster High on the doll

  1. Hinges . A distinctive feature of the dolls is their flexibility, which is created thanks to 11 hinges. Of course, there are hinge fakes of Monster High, but they usually have fewer folds. The original hinges in the shoulders, in the elbows, on the hips, in the knees, on the neck and two more: the girls - on the wrists, the boys - on the ankles. Also, the Monster High dolls, which are articulate fakes, are rather rude and do not differ in the elegance of the prototypes.
  2. Growth . This representative of monsters has a height of 25-27 cm, male representatives - 28 cm.
  3. Color . Each original character has its own distinct skin color, for example, Claudine Woolf - swarthy, Laguna Blue - with a bluish tint, Frankie Stein - very pale, but falsifiers do not always go into such details. Also, even good Chinese counterfeits of Monster High often reveal themselves that the color of the character's head is different from the color of the body.
  4. Form . Even if the manufacturers of the fake asked about the original color of the doll, they do not always have the opportunity to repeat the shape of each beauty's face. Typically, fakes are all on the same face, while the originals differ in individuality.
  5. Clothes . Fashion dresses of each of the monsters have their own style and color schemes - Draculaura prefers pink, Cleo de Nile wears oriental ornaments, but fake dolls rarely follow these rules.
  6. Accessories . In the original Monster High packaging There is a character's diary and a special stand, which, of course, no fakes.
  7. Pets . Each doll Monster Hai is a mistress of a certain pet: Cleo de Nile has a snake, Dews Gorgon has a rat, Klodin Wulf has a kitten, Draculaur has a bat, Laguna Blue has a fish, Frankie Stein has a puppy, Gulia Yelps has a night owl . Falsifiers can easily confuse them or even put the animal "from another opera", for example, a pink pony.