Leukocyte formula

The absorption and neutralization of foreign, dead cells and various pathogenic particles in the body are responsible for leukocytes. Therefore, determining their number, condition and functionality helps to identify any inflammatory process. For such a comprehensive diagnosis, the leukocyte formula is designed, which is the percentage of the number of different types of white blood cells.

General analysis of blood with leukocyte formula

Typically, the study in question is conducted in the context of a clinical blood test. The count of leukocytes is carried out under a microscope, at least 100 cells are recorded in a stained smear of a biological fluid.

It is important to note that the analysis takes into account the relative, rather than the absolute, number of leukocytes. For a correct diagnostic study, it is necessary to simultaneously evaluate two indicators: the total concentration of white blood cells and the leukocyte formula.

The presented research is appointed in the following cases:

Decoding of leukocyte counts

In the described analysis, the following values ​​are calculated:

1. Neutrophils - protect the body from harmful bacteria. They are represented by 3 groups of cells, depending on their degree of maturity:

2. Basophils - are responsible for the occurrence of allergic reactions and inflammatory processes.

3. Eosinophils - also perform bactericidal function, taking an indirect part in the formation of the immune response under the influence of various stimuli.

4. Monocytes - contribute to the removal of the remains of destroyed and dead cells from the body, bacteria, allergic complexes and denatured protein, perform a detoxification function.

5. Lymphocytes - recognize viral antigens. There are three groups of these cells:

Norms of leukocyte formula in percent:

1. Neutrophils - 48-78:

2. Basophils - 0-1.

3. Eosinophils - 0.5-5.

4. Monocytes - 3-11.

5. Lymphocytes - 19-37.

These indicators are usually stable, they can only slightly change under the influence of several factors:

Shift of the leukocyte formula to the left or right

These concepts mean in medicine the following:

  1. The shift to the left is an increase in the number of young ( rod-shaped ) forms of neutrophils. It is considered a favorable sign of the course of the disease, as it indicates an active struggle of immunity with the causative agent of pathology.
  2. Shifting to the right - reducing the number of stab neutrophils, increasing the concentration of segmented cells, aging of their population. It is usually an indirect symptom of liver and kidney disease, megaloblastic anemia. Sometimes it accompanies the condition after a blood transfusion.