How useful is purple basil for women?

Purple basil is used not only for culinary purposes, but also in recipes of traditional medicine. It includes vitamins, phytoncides, essential oils and aromatic substances. Knowing how useful violet basil, you will certainly want to drop this beautiful plant in your kitchen on the windowsill.

Properties of violet basil

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, the plant has a favorable effect on the work of the body. With regular consumption of leaves, the body clears itself of toxins and other harmful substances. Basil has a positive effect on the work of the digestive tract, relieves inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract.

For those who are interested in how useful purple basil for women who want to lose weight, it is worth pointing out that this plant is able to accelerate lipid metabolism, and this is important for better burning of stored fats. You can eat not only the leaves, but also the seeds of the plant, which also contribute to getting rid of excess kilograms. Basil helps to increase appetite in asthenia, after serious diseases. The broth, cooked on the basis of greenery, copes well with the inflammatory processes. For those who often face stress and suffer from insomnia , it will be helpful to drink a drink made from basil and lemon. It is impossible not to note the positive effect of violet basil on the state of the vessels, as it helps restore their elasticity.

There is also information that with the regular consumption of purple basil, one can count on the fact that it will protect the body from the negative effects of radioactive radiation. It has a disinfectant and antimicrobial effect. It is worth noting the use of basil as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Many are interested in what they eat with violet basil, and so there are many recipes with this herbs. It will be an excellent addition to seafood, meat, fish, and also it is widely used in salads. Thanks to the unsurpassed aroma, purple leaves are used to flavor canned food. Decoction of purple basil is used for cosmetic purposes .

Another important point relates to which basil is better green or purple, and so it is impossible to give preference to one of the proposed options, because each has its own advantages, for example, purple basil has a brighter flavor.