13 rules of modern etiquette, which it is better not to violate

Work made from a monkey man, but we must not forget about the importance of rules of conduct in society, so the basics of etiquette must be learned.

Unfortunately, modern society began to forget about the rules of etiquette, so you can increasingly face rudeness, rudeness and other manifestations, pointing to the lack of culture. You have to fight against such tendencies and go against the current, so the basic rules of modern etiquette are for you.

1. Hide the phone.

Mobile phones have become an integral part of life, so they are always with us. If you came to a catering establishment for a meeting with other people, do not put the phone on the table, as this is a sign of bad taste. By this act, you show that a smartphone is more important than communication.

2. Who pays the bill?

In the modern world, the situation when a man and a woman pay for themselves in a restaurant is normal, although many ladies are outraged. In order not to get into a deadlock situation, it is necessary to prepare in advance. And if a person pronounces the phrase: "I invite you" - this means that he will pay for two, and the fact that the bill is divided into two will be indicated by a phrase, for example: "Let's go to a restaurant".

3. Do not be lazy to say "Hello!".

If you go with another person and he greeted someone, then you must certainly do the same, even if he does not know you, otherwise the satellite will look stupid.

4. Cultural development must be cultural.

We decided to spend time in the cinema, at the theater or at a concert, so take into account that you have to face your already seated people in order to go to your seats in the row. In addition, it is important that the man was the first. Another rule for these places - turn off the phone and in any case do not talk on it, so as not to disturb anyone.

5. Accurate with spirits.

Applying the fragrance before leaving the house, remember other people and consider the rule of moderation, so as not to scare others. If you like perfume, it does not mean that they do not irritate others.

6. Prohibitions for public conversations.

While in society, it is necessary to avoid questions and simple conversations that have a connection with politics, health, religion and money. These are topics that can cause disputes or offend people.

7. Report your visits.

A good mood and want to go to someone to visit - then be sure to call people and find out whether they are located for fun or better to postpone the meeting for another day.

8. The package is not a bag.

Moweton wear cellophane bags or branded bags from shops instead of bags. Recently, packages from expensive boutiques are sold separately or even rented, you, of course, forgive, but this is an inexplicable show-off. There are several rules of etiquette concerning bags: men do not wear women's bags and, sitting down at the table, they do not put them on a chair or knees (use a special hook or put them on the floor).

9. Stop "poking".

Many will now be surprised, but every person who has reached the age of 12 is worthy of treatment for "you". This is a manifestation of subordination and respect, therefore in the office even well-known people should use the official appeal. In a personal conversation with an unfamiliar person, you can switch to "you" only with the permission of the interlocutor.

10. Meet people correctly.

Introducing to each other people, add a small help to the name, for example, "This is my friend Natalia, she is a dentist." This rule has two advantages: firstly, you make it clear what kind of relationship you have with people, and secondly, you push on a topic for building a conversation.

11. Conversations on the mobile in public transport.

This is a scourge of modern society, as many consider it their duty to talk on the phone in transport, having dedicated all of their problems to their problems. In such situations, few people think about other passengers, and this is deplorable. If you need to urgently report some information to a person, then just write him a message.

12. Learning to send e-mail.

Before sending an e-mail, be sure to specify a topic that should reflect the essence. This saves you time of the interlocutor, otherwise it is considered a disrespect. If you need time to respond to an important letter, then tell the sender that it was received. The use of CapsLock in correspondence is equivalent to a cry.

13. Publication of the photo.

Before you upload a photo to a social network with another person, you need to ask him for permission, even if it's your close friend.