Children's ice hockey

Since childhood, parents often predetermine the fate of the baby, giving it to a suitable section. Of course, everyone wants to see their child a part of one big and meaningful sport, so the choice often falls on children's ice hockey. However, in this case, you need to carefully analyze the situation, because hockey for children - this is quite a serious matter.

Is it worth giving the child to hockey?

Now you can find a good section of hockey for children in virtually any city. However, the question is often not in the search for a good children's hockey coach, but in a number of features of this sport. So, let's look at all the factors that you should keep in mind before giving your kid to a hockey school for children:

  1. Sympathy of the child . Even if your whole family is passionate fans and hockey fans, this does not mean that your child will love this sport. And without sincere interest there will be neither success nor motivation, and in the end it turns out that you were in vain tormented by a child, forcibly compelling to fulfill your dream, in the hope that one day she will become his desire. Therefore, to begin to learn the attitude of the child to this idea.
  2. The financial side of the issue . This is one of the most important factors, which in many cases is decisive. The fact is that hockey is very expensive for parents: the equipment consists of many details, each of which costs a lot of money. And the baby is growing fast. However, there are ways to save, but not too much.
  3. Intensive exercise . Hockey requires regular training, and after school the kid will be forced to give almost all his free time to the sport. If he is not too strong health, and he does not differ excessively energetic, it is better not to take risks. Such employment is very good discipline, but to some extent deprives children.
  4. Health . Do not forget that the load in children's sports schools for hockey is by no means childish. At first, classes will seem unnecessarily exhausting, but afterwards the child will get used to it, and from constant training on ice, he will develop immunity, and the kid will forget what colds are.
  5. Circle of communication . Children-athletes often can not join the school team, since they give sports all the time outside the school. On the one hand, it can cause reluctance to go to school, on the other - the child will have "right", sports friends who do not have time to try cigarettes or booze after school.

To record a child for hockey is only if both you and he consciously treat all these elements and none of them looks too complicated. Recruitment of children in hockey is from the age of 5-6 years, so if the child likes the sport itself, then the choice is yours.

Children's ice hockey: uniforms

Everyone knows what form the hockey players have. However, in fact, when you start to buy everything for the baby, questions may arise. Know, you definitely need the following items that are part of the children's form for hockey:

The list is rather big, and it is often necessary to update it. Be prepared for this, because usually guys who are fond of hockey, try to continue to do their favorite thing and in adulthood.