Vacuum termination of pregnancy

Often a woman faces the choice of what is best for scraping, vacuum abortion or drug abortion. Therefore, it is important to understand what happens during each manipulation, and what the consequences may be in the future. Vacuum interruption of pregnancy ( mini-abortion ) is considered a safer method than curettage scraping.

The technique of vacuum termination of pregnancy

We will disassemble, as do vacuum abortion, and what there are stages of manipulation. Allocate manual and electrovacuum aspiration. In the first case, a negative pressure in the uterine cavity is created by means of a plastic aspirator, which is manually activated. And in the second - with the help of a special electric vacuum pump.

The main stages of manipulation are as follows:

  1. The preparatory stage, which consists in gynecological examination with the obligatory exception of infectious and inflammatory pathology. It is important to comply with the rules of antiseptic, therefore the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix are treated with antiseptic solutions.
  2. Anesthesia. Many are interested in whether it is painful to do a vacuum abortion, what sensations arise during the procedure. It can be said with certainty that the procedure is unpleasant, characterized by spasmodic contractions of the uterus, which are accompanied by nausea, weakness. However, a pronounced, unbearable pain syndrome is usually not observed. In the case of a vacuum abortion, a local anesthetic is used, which may be supplemented with sedatives. An anesthetic is usually injected into the cervix.
  3. A cannula is inserted into the cervical canal. If the gestation period is more than 6-8 weeks, then before the introduction of the cannula, it is necessary to increase the lumen of the cervical canal with the help of dilators.
  4. Connect the cannula with a special "syringe" for manual aspiration or with a vacuum pump and extract the contents of the uterus.

It is important to know before what period a vacuum abortion is possible, because the effectiveness of the intervention will depend on this. Vaccine abortion is carried out in early pregnancy. During this period, the fetal egg still loosely attached to the wall of the uterus. Proceeding from this, it is recommended to carry out the vacuum interruption of pregnancy no later than 8 weeks.

Recovery period and consequences

After the abortion is terminated, the vacuum should be kept under medical supervision by a woman for at least two hours. This precaution is necessary for the timely detection of complications in the early post-abortion period. A week later, a second examination of the gynecologist with ultrasound control is shown. Sex after a vacuum abortion is possible only after three weeks. After all, the uterus should completely recover after the intervention. But repeated pregnancy after vacuum abortion is recommended not earlier than six months after the abortion. The menstrual cycle usually recovers in a month.

The main consequences of vacuum interruption of pregnancy include the following conditions:

It is worth noting that the above complications are not developed in every woman who underwent a vacuum abortion. In many, the procedure goes without any significant consequences for health.