Lazy oatmeal in a slimming pot

Lazy oatmeal in the bank for weight loss - a great option for breakfast, which is not only healthy, but also delicious. It is important to choose a jar (volume of at least 400 ml) with a tight lid and it is better if it is with a special locking device. This capacity for making porridge was chosen for good reason, firstly, it is the ideal size of one serving, and secondly, thanks to the bank, breakfast can be taken to work or training. The recipe for lazy oatmeal includes various berries, fruits and other additions, which makes the dish even more tasty and useful.

Benefit of lazy oatmeal

The composition of this porridge includes vegetable proteins and complex carbohydrates , which contribute to the purification of the stomach and intestines, which has a positive effect on the overall work of the digestive system. In addition, oatmeal gives the body energy, which is important for maintaining vital processes. It will be interesting to learn and BZHU lazy oatmeal, and it is worth noting that the indicators directly depend on the additives used. If you do not add anything to lazy oatmeal, then 100 g is approximately:

With regular consumption of lazy oatmeal can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and positively affects the condition of the blood. The composition of the porridge includes many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. For example, magnesium contributes to the production of estrogen, which helps to deal with stress and relieve depression more easily.

The recipe for lazy oatmeal in a slimming pot

There are different options for cooking this dish, on milk, water and yoghurt. In addition, the composition of additives differs, vegetables, fruits, chocolate, syrup and other products can be used.

The recipe for lazy oatmeal on the water



Place the flakes on the bottom, but do not use the instant food. Pour in water, close the lid and shake well. Put it in the fridge for the night and get a healthy breakfast in the morning. If you want, you can warm up the porridge. For taste, use different additives.

Recipe for lazy oatmeal for weight loss with yogurt and milk



Put in the jar all the ingredients except cherries and chocolate. Stir well and then add the supplements. Place the container overnight in the refrigerator.