Church of San Jose

The Republic of Panama has experienced many sad and bloody events since the days of Columbus. The conquest and development of the American continent is not only the destruction of objects of culture that are incomprehensible to the European mind, but also the creation of their own cult constructions, cultural values ​​and traditions. Some of them, like the Church of San Jose in Panama, have survived to this day.

Description of the Church of San Jose

The Church of San Jose (San Jose church) is a modest building of white with a finish in soft blue colors. Towards the religious structure of the second half of the 17th century, a small bell tower with a cross was added a little later to inform parishioners about the beginning of the mass or other important event.

The most important value of the church of San Jose, and, perhaps, the entire Republic of Panama, is the golden altar. Although outwardly the church is completely different from the building, which, according to Catholic customs, is so richly decorated. The altar is made of Baroque real mahogany and is completely covered with gold leaf, the room itself is decorated with slender columns.

According to legend, the altar was hidden and preserved during the attack on the city of pirates in 1671. And seven years later he was transferred in strict secrecy to San Jose, where he survived to this day.

How to get to the Church of San Jose in Panama

The Church of San Jose is in the old part of Panama . Before the turn of the historical part of the city, any taxi or city transport will drive you , then you will have to walk a little along the central avenue. If you are afraid to get lost, look at the coordinates: 8.951367 °, -79.535927 °.

You can enter the church as a parishioner for service. Respect the religious shrine of Panama: dress according to the rules of the visit, do not talk loudly and do not forget to disconnect the cell phones.