Clothing of Ancient Rome

The desire to draw attention to his person, his material and social status, his taste qualities with clothes, is by no means a trend of modernity, as this trend was observed even in Ancient Rome.

What is the clothing of the inhabitants of ancient Rome?

According to data obtained during archaeological excavations, it can be concluded that in the clothing of the inhabitants of ancient Rome, class differentiation was well traced, as well as differences between women's and men's outfits. So the weak sex for a long time gave preference to the ancient Greek costumes, while the men wore Roman togas and raincoats. Toga was considered the dress of a wealthy Roman, who appeared on official occasions, such as social games, sacrifices and other equally important events.

Great popularity in ancient Rome used a tunic, which was made of linen and wool. Its length and color decisions varied according to class affiliation and sex. A tunic with sleeves and ankle length was considered clothing for women in ancient Rome. Men's tunic reached the knees, and warriors and travelers preferred short dresses. The right to wear a white tunic was only for wealthy citizens, purple vertical bands - the privilege of senators and riders.

Typical clothing women of ancient Rome, was considered a table - a tunic with short sleeves and a lot of folds, tied with a belt. Typically, made in light shades with a purple frill at the bottom.

A striking example of outer clothing in ancient Rome was a palla - a cloak , presented in the form of a piece of soft cloth thrown over his shoulder and wrapped around the waist. By their appearance and cut, the pallas were divided into several groups:

Over time, fashion in the Roman Empire began to show its variability and replaced the table and outer clothing - palle came dalmatika and colobium. In addition, color compositions, ornaments, silk fabrics were used.