A healthy lifestyle for school-age children

For children of school age it is extremely important to lead a healthy lifestyle. After all, during the schooling period, the child's psyche and body are formed. At this stage, children are affected by a huge number of factors that can interfere with their harmonious development and disrupt the correct patterns of behavior. Such factors include:

  1. The increased load associated with the study of a large number of school subjects.
  2. Classes in sections of extracurricular education.
  3. Decreased parental control.
  4. The development of personal characteristics of the child's character and the formation of his own ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
  5. The influence of the collective on behavior, tastes and aspirations.
  6. Peculiarities of behavior associated with puberty and critical transitional periods.

Principles for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren

Proper organization of the child's life is of great importance, since it helps to form a worldview and perception of the world that will not allow him to turn him off the right path of life.

To form a healthy lifestyle for the student, parents, teachers and mentors should act in several ways:

  1. Create the necessary external conditions (provide the child with food, clothes, textbooks, furniture).
  2. To create an ideal daily routine in which the time of work, rest, food intake will be rationally distributed.
  3. To form and educate the child about the accepted ideas about the rational organization and conduct of life, and also to instill correct stereotypes of behavior, using for this purpose various methods: conversations with schoolchildren about a healthy way of life, study of the corresponding literature, joint viewing of films and videos about the necessity of conducting a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren, a personal example and others.

At the same time, instructions from parents and teachers on the formation of correct life standards for the child should be maintained simultaneously. Ignoring at least one can reduce the result to nothing.

Rules for a healthy lifestyle for the student

Children and adolescents in the majority consider this principle of life to be boring and not interesting. To convince them of the opposite, adults need to participate in the organization of the child's life and make a plan-guide to action, taking into account the "right" of his interests:

  1. Catering. The food of the schoolboy should be balanced and sufficiently high-calorie to provide the growing body with energy and all useful substances. However, excess nutritional value is also unacceptable.
  2. Rational mode of the day implies an optimal distribution of the training load and a sufficient amount of time for quality rest and sleep.
  3. Mandatory physical load. One of the fundamentally important conditions for a healthy lifestyle for school-age children are sports. And physical education lessons are not able to provide the child with sufficient physical exertion. Each schoolchild is recommended after school to attend sports sections and more to walk in the fresh air.
  4. Hardening. This procedure is very important for health, as it increases immunity. In addition, the hardening engenders the inner core of the adolescent.
  5. A healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren implies compliance with the general rules of hygiene.
  6. Psychological climate in the family. Only a trustful and friendly atmosphere in the family is able to ensure the child's psychological health.
  7. Exclusion of bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and any form of drug addiction are incompatible with a healthy lifestyle.