Myths about raising children

In education, parents are often guided by the rules formed by society throughout its history. But the development and popularization among the population of psychology led to the emergence of the so-called "myths about the upbringing of children", imposed on modern parents, but which no longer correspond to our reality.

8 common myths about upbringing

"Parents should educate their children"

But in fact this statement is very hard for young parents. They are so carried away by the process of education and forget that the most important thing is to love their children and enjoy the communication with them. Educate children is possible only on a positive example of adults who surround it.

"Children are a small model of an adult"

But this is not so. Children are children, they are just beginning to develop, they are learning everything gradually, they are experiencing their emotions. Therefore, you can not require them to the same as from an adult. It is necessary to understand that in childhood absolutely different things seem to be important.

"Children need to be monitored all the time"

A child who is in constant control of his parents can grow up to be dependent, uninformative, not knowing what to do in different life situations. Every person develops a sense of self-preservation, so it's enough to tell the children about the safety rules so that they can use them. Being under constant control, the child will never learn to control himself, which is very important in adulthood.

"Children can not be screamed and punished"

Motivating by the fact that this can negatively affect his fragile child's psyche. But at the same time they forget that it is impossible to protect the child from the negativity with which he can face in society. Therefore, the dosed use of criticism, censure and punishment in family education, will contribute to the formation in children of the correct reaction to various emotions.

"It's harmful to let a child do what he wants"

This myth remained from the Soviet times, when the wishes and needs of the population were pushed aside by what was necessary for the state. It is better to direct your forces to the formation of the right desires of the child than to constantly forbid doing what he wants.

"Children must obey their parents"

Just like parents, children should not do anything to anyone. Instead of suppressing the desires of your children or buying them obedience, you should make sure that the children have respect for you and understanding that you need to listen to your opinion (and not to obey unconditionally). This can be achieved only by respecting and supporting them as individuals.

"There are bad and good parents"

For any child, his parents are the best and good, so do not indulge their whims or vice versa - they are too strict to raise them, afraid that they will call you "bad" parents. Children love their mother and father just like that, only for what they are, and parents should answer them the same.

"Children should be developed from early childhood"

It is because of this myth many children have no childhood. Since their parents, fearing not to have time to develop them to the maximum level or because of their unrealization, instead of giving the child enough to play, begin to develop them under a very strengthened program. Although for each type of activity (gaming, learning, communication) in psychology, there is a most appropriate age when children themselves come to the need for acquiring new knowledge or developing certain skills and this is much easier and better for them.

It is necessary to bring up children so that you and your children feel very comfortable in the family, rather than constantly adjusting to certain patterns.