Color-type "summer" - make-up

If you belong to the summer type, then this topic will be interesting to you. What kind of makeup for color-type summer can be considered successful? To begin with, let us recall the external main signs of a "summer" woman: skin pinkish, milky, olive (always coolish shade); the blush is also chilly pink; Available on the face of a freckle of grayish color; hair from light to dark-haired and always with an ashen cold podtonom; eyes gray, gray-blue, green-blue, nut (without reddish impregnations).

And now an interesting fact for those who did not know: in addition to the typical summer color, there are several more:

  1. "Contrast summer" - a skin of light, often of ivory, chestnut hair with an ashy podton and bright eyes (blue, green, blue-green).
  2. "Cold summer" - porcelain light skin with a pinkish hue, ash-blond or grayish-brown hair, eyes of "steel" shades: gray, blue, greenish-blue.
  3. "Soft summer" - these are all the same classic colors of "summer", but with a barely perceptible presence of autumn haze. This gives the exterior some blurriness that makes a woman refined externally.

What colors are suitable for a "summer" woman? Which palette will help to emphasize beauty or what should I avoid while doing makeup? Let's understand.

Color-type "contrast summer" and make-up

Dark-haired summer beauty, which is a bit like "winter", should avoid warm, golden shades. It looks like a "contrasting summer", preferring all shades of blue-blue palette, but not its bright colors. Extraordinarily good muffled berry tones, gray from light to "wet asphalt." For a woman of this type, there are enough external contrasts, which allows her to use soft colors in make-up, while remaining bright.

Color-type "cold summer" and make-up

"Cold summer" is a refinement in appearance, due to unsaturated "colors". Contrast makeup is contraindicated! Soft, but cool shades will be ideal for this color type. Very suitable for owners of this type of cosmetics with pearlescent effect.

Color-type "soft summer" and make-up

In the make-up of the eyes of the color-type "soft summer" you need to use the shades of soft autumn: brown, greenish, beige, heathy, plum. When choosing a lipstick, give preference to shades that resemble natural, although berry motifs can add the desired color. But even these colors should be soft.