Enterovirus - treatment

The complexity of therapy for most viral infections is that its effectiveness depends solely on the body's own immune system. An exception was not and enterovirus - treatment of diseases that cause this group of pathogens, is only to alleviate their symptoms. Additionally, measures are taken to strengthen immunity and prevent the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection.

Treatment of enterovirus in the home

The main therapeutic principles in this situation are:

  1. Observance of a semi-postal regime. For recovery, it is important not to overload the body, so a few days better to relax under the blanket and not go to work.
  2. Proper nutrition. Enteroviruses affect the digestive system, for the time of illness should be abandoned fat and "heavy" food, give preference to diet foods.
  3. Strengthened drinking regime. Warm herbal teas, decoctions, fruit drinks and compotes contribute to detoxification of the body and prevent dehydration against the background of fever, vomiting and diarrhea.
  4. Symptomatic therapy. If necessary, various antipyretic , antihistaminic, anti-inflammatory and pain medications are prescribed.

In the presence of stomatitis with exanthema or "hand-foot-mouth" syndrome, local treatment of the skin and mucous membranes will additionally be required. As a rule, doctors recommend antiseptic solutions - Furacilin, Miramistin, Septyl, Chlorhexidine and others. Also, the treatment of enterovirus "hand-foot-mouth" with homeopathy, for example, irrigation of the throat with Tantum-Verde spray.

If therapy was started on time and was carried out correctly, the symptoms of the disease quickly subsided and recovery occurs within 5-7 days.

Antiviral drugs for the treatment of enterovirus

Take special medicines aimed at directly inhibiting the cells of the virus, it is advisable only in the first 72 hours from the time of infection. In the next day, such funds are already ineffective.

For specific therapy of enterovirus, the following drugs are recommended:

Is it possible to treat enterovirus with antibiotics?

Antimicrobial agents inhibit the activity of the immune system, so they are usually not used in the therapy of any viral pathologies, including diseases caused by intestinal pathogens.

Antibiotics are prescribed in those rare cases when treatment with enterovirus was unsuccessful, and a secondary bacterial infection has joined.