Types of exercise

There are several types of physical exercises that are divided according to a certain criterion. This division helps to better orient yourself and choose for yourself suitable directions for employment.

Types of exercise

To get the desired result from training, it is important to understand the exercises that have a completely different orientation.

By the number of muscles that receive the load:

  1. Local (isolating) - exercises, during which a small number of muscles participate less than 1/3 of the whole mass. This includes various exercises for individual muscle groups, which are in gymnastics, fitness , bodybuilding, etc.
  2. Regional - during the execution of such exercises, the load is obtained from 1/3 to 1/2 of the muscle mass of the whole body. Usually this is an exercise on the upper limbs and muscles of the trunk.
  3. Global - general physical exercises that allow you to involve in training a lot of muscles, more than 1/2 of the whole mass. In this category you can make a run, ride a bike, etc.

By the type of muscle contraction:

  1. Static - during the execution of such exercises the body does not move in space, for example, the retention of the bar.
  2. Dynamic - for such exercises is typical isotonic type of muscle contractions, for example, swimming, walking, etc.

The most common types of special and general exercise:

  1. Power - exercises, contribute to strengthening and increasing the volume of muscles. Even with their help you can effectively get rid of excess weight. Training takes place with your own or additional weight, and there are exercises on the simulators.
  2. Aerobic exercises are exercises that help to train the heart, breathing and endurance . If you want to lose weight, then such exercises should be in the complex. This includes running, swimming, dancing, football, etc.