Immunal analogues

Today, many people suffer from weakened immunity, which is manifested by frequent colds, increased fatigue, digestive disorders, allergic reactions, etc. Strengthen the immune system in several ways, one of the most accessible is the use of immune-stimulating drugs, among which Immunal is one of the leading places.

Indications and pharmacological action of the drug Immunal

Immunal is a plant-based drug that increases the natural defenses of the body. It is produced in two forms: drops (solution) and tablets. Acceptance of funds is recommended in the following cases:

The main component of the Immunal is the juice of the Echinacea purpurea. This plant has long been valued for its useful properties due to the large number of biologically active substances contained in all its parts. Immunomodulating properties of echinacea are manifested by stimulation of bone marrow hematopoiesis, which leads to an increase in granulocytes and an increase in activity of phagocytes and reticular cells of the liver. Blood cells granulocytes and phagocytes, as well as reticular cells, are involved in protecting the body from pathogens.

Also Echinacea in the Immunal has an antiviral effect against influenza and herpes viruses, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, the drug promotes an early recovery in infectious pathologies and increases the defenses of the body to prevent the disease.

How to replace Immunal?

The preparation Immunal has many analogues, which also include echinacea purpurea:

The cheapest analogue of Immunal from the list is alcoholic tincture of echinacea, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Another group of drugs that also possess immunostimulatory properties, but which are not direct analogues of the Immunal, either by the active substance or by the mechanism of action, is represented by such means:

These drugs, in addition to directly affecting the viruses in the body, stimulate the synthesis of interferon, a nonspecific factor of the immune system.

What is better - Immunal or tincture of Echinacea?

Answering the question posed, it is worth noting that due to the specifics of the production technology of Immunal, the content of active substances in it is greater than in the tincture. In addition, comparing the composition of the liquid form of Immunal and the tincture of Echinacea, it should be noted that the tincture contains more alcohol. Thus, Immunal is a more effective remedy.

What is better - Immunal, Anaferon, Aflubin or Bronhomunal?

In this case, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, because all these preparations have a different composition and differ in the mechanism of action. Only a specialist, based on the diagnosis, individual characteristics of the patient and other factors, can recommend a drug that will do the most good.