Growing cannabis - how to create the ideal conditions for growing?

We will not understand the reasons for the cultivation of cannabis, since this is an illegal action, and we will consider the peculiarities of this plant. There are several methods of planting and rules concerning care, to get strong and healthy bushes.

Growing cannabis at home

There are several rules related to the organization of good conditions for the cultivation of this culture:

  1. These plants require the creation of special conditions, and to a greater extent it concerns the light. The more it is, the richer the harvest will be. It is best to use TL-lamps or fluorescent lamps. For hemp care at home implies the use of a sodium lamp at 400-600 watts.
  2. Since carbon dioxide is needed for plant growth, an exhaust fan must be installed to supply fresh air with an active charcoal filter. It is needed in order to absorb the odor generated during the cultivation of cannabis. The filter will have to be changed periodically and in most cases it should be done after harvesting the fifth crop. In addition, it is recommended to use several fans to evenly distribute fresh air and its good circulation.

Methods of growing cannabis

There are three main methods used to grow this wonder plant:

  1. Grouboks. A simple way for which you need a closet, kitchen box, refrigerator and so on. Inside, several medium power lamps are placed. It is better to take the lamps of DNA . For ventilation, a carbon filter is needed. You can grow 1-6 bushes.
  2. Stealth Grove. Features of hemp cultivation mean a hidden landing in a confined space. In most cases, the dimensions of the box are 40x40x80 cm. Inside there should be 1-3 LED lamps and 1-2 computer coolers. You can grow 1-2 shrubs.
  3. Separate room. The cultivation of cannabis for commercial activities occurs by this method. Important industrial ventilation with a powerful charcoal filter. Near the bushes should be light reflectors. Plants should be divided into groups and for each set the grid mesh. Climate control will be useful.

Cannabis cultivation in open ground

It is not safe to grow this plant in the open, because it is illegal, and also labor-intensive. The disadvantages of this method include a high risk of pest attack and the occurrence of many diseases. In addition, not always climatic conditions are suitable for this culture. Growing cannabis in the garden includes such important steps:

  1. Preliminary, it is necessary to germinate seeds in the room, so that the bushes become stronger.
  2. For healthy growth, maintaining a sufficient moisture level is very important.
  3. Be sure to use top dressing, which should be designed for open ground.

What kind of fertilizer is needed to grow cannabis?

To stimulate growth and increase yield, nutritional supplementation should be carried out, since what is in the ground in most cases is not enough. Fertilizers for growing cannabis must be previously dissolved in water and applied during irrigation.

  1. It is important to constantly monitor the pH level.
  2. This plant needs such substances: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In the flower shop you can find the required compositions.
  3. It is recommended to buy individual concentrates for the stage of vegetation and flowering, since in the first variant, the most nitrogen is needed, and in the second - phosphorus. The amount of potassium in both cases is the same.

Growing cannabis on the windowsill

One should immediately prepare for the fact that it is difficult to grow good bushes on an ordinary window sill, for example, in the kitchen, and in most cases experiments end in failure. For the cultivation of cannabis, suitable conditions can be created with the help of purchased growers or they can be made independently.

  1. For small landings, a space of up to 2 m 2 is needed.
  2. Of great importance is proper lighting, good ventilation and normal temperature - 24-30 ° C.
  3. The walls of the box must be covered with white matte paint or reflective material, which is important for better lighting.
  4. To grow a hemp lamp, select it so that you can change their position. Please note that when the lamps are located close to the plant, it is possible to provoke a burn and cause a temperature shock.

What kind of soil is needed to grow cannabis?

To plant this plant, you need to properly pick up the soil, which should be loose, so, suits loamy chernozem or peat bogs. Soil for cultivation of hemp should have a neutral acidity and good drainage , for which on the bottom of the pot, pour a layer of fine gravel. If the soil has high acidity, then to reduce it, you can add limestone or chalk. You can buy land in the store.

How to water cannabis?

To get a good harvest, it is important to take care of proper watering. The frequency of humidification depends on the power of the lamps used, the air temperature and the age of the sprout. Such an irrigation scheme is common: irrigation is carried out for two days, and the next day is skipped. To understand how often to water cannabis, you need to put your finger on the half-phalanx in the ground and if moisture is felt, then watering is not needed. The liquid used must be stable and warm. If you want to further soften the water, then use decalcifers.