Gem from cowberries

Cranberries are similar in many respects to cranberries, but are much less common in sales and less often used in cooking.

Berries cranberries have a bright red color, they have dense skin and sweet and sour taste with a slight unobtrusive bitterness. Collect this berry beginning in late summer, and the harvest lasts almost all autumn. From the bushes, only ripe, undamaged fruit is cut off, in which case you will be sure that the dishes made from cranberries will be the most delicious and useful.

When collecting berries, you need to know well the area where it grows. Cranberries more than other berries accumulate radioactive substances from the environment. When buying berries, it is also necessary to check them for radioactivity.

And the benefits of berries with proper use can get a lot. Fresh berries, because of the presence of benzoic acid in them, which prevents decay, can be stored for several months. Almost all valuable vitamins and substances remain in the frozen and dried cowberry. From berries cranberries also produces a very tasty compote, jam, pastille, jam, jam. Well, it's not necessary to talk about cowberry, sour or sawn honey on honey. Does anyone begin to have salivary saliva only from the mention of such foods?

We want to tell you how to make jam from cowberry at home. Jams of cranberries, the recipes of which we have prepared for you, are cooked both from exclusively cranberry berries, and in combination with other berries and fruits.

Gem from cowberries



Now tell you how to make jam from cowberry. We choose only completely ripe berries of bright red color, we sort out, we clean from impurities, we wash out and pour out into the pan. To the berries pour water and add half a serving of sugar. Cook on low heat, stirring all the time. Boil one-third of the original volume. We pour the remaining sugar to the cowberry and continue the process of preparing the jam until ready.

Another hot cranberry jam is packed in pre-cooked glass jars. Glass containers should be sterilized, dry and not cold. We close the jam jars with boiled lids and put them to cool.

Gem from apples, pears and cowberries



Berries cranberries thoroughly washed and dried. We pour out into the dishes for cooking and cook, stirring 10 minutes. With apples and pears peel, peel and cut into slices. Add the fruits to the cowberry and cook for another 10 minutes.

Little by little, add sugar in portions and continue to boil the jam to the desired state. Before the end of cooking in jam, throw, diced lemon. We pack jam from fruits and lingonberries hot into sterilized dishes. We store it in a cool place where there is no dampness.

Gem from cowberry with plum



We take plum varieties of Hungarian and chop them in a meat grinder, then combine it with washed and dried cowberry. Add some water (a few spoons) and cook jam in a pan with a thick and wide bottom. When the mass becomes thick, add sugar and cook for another 3-5 minutes. We spread the hot jam into cans and cover with lids.

And you know that in the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula, jam and jam from cowberries occupy a very honorable place. A vase filled with jam or jam is an obligatory component for meatballs , stewed beef, blood sausage, dumplings and even herring, not to mention traditional dishes such as pancakes and fritters.

We wish you and enjoy this beautiful berry!