Compatibility - female leo male leo

What can we expect from a relationship if two strong people are close to each other, who are real leaders and are not used to conceding to anyone? Are the woman compatible Leo and the man Leo or relationship is doomed from the beginning?

A strong and compelling lioness at a glance can conquer any man and make him his "servant" for the rest of his life. This applies to all members of the stronger sex, but not Leo, who himself can "kneel" anyone. Therefore, the relationship in such a pair will be based on rivalry, even in small things. The Lion man conquers a woman with her romance, since this trait is his peculiarity.

It is worth noting that the lion pair looks just great, since both love attention and are used to playing only the main roles in any play. In addition to constant rivalry in such relations, romanticism will certainly be present. Strong kings of beasts, being alone, with each other, can turn into ordinary kittens. The marriage between the woman Leo and the man Leo after years remains all as sublime, as for the first time minutes of the meeting, only if they managed to keep the relationship and did not run away. For this, the partners must learn to give in to each other, but can someone imagine a happy lioness on a leash or in a cage. Yes, she can bend and do what her partner asks, but she will never achieve happiness and idyll.

The only chance to find harmony in the relationship is the presence of respect and understanding. It is also very important to give the partner much-needed freedom. It is recommended to partners to direct the spirit of rivalry in the right direction, and learn how to love with the same force as they know how to fight.

What kind of women do men like Lions?

Next to them such men are ready to see only worthy representatives of the weaker sex. They should be spiritually developed, have an external luster and appeal. He is not at all interested in women who have been burdened with domestic cares and the surrounding vanity. The ideal woman for the Lion man is the one whom not only he admires, but all the surrounding men, because he is the king of beasts and there must be a queen next to him. It is very important that the companion in no way outshine the man of Leo, otherwise the relationship will quickly end.

Let's sum up, what kind of women does the man Leo prefer? Let's try to answer one sentence - complaisant, well-groomed, unordinary, unobtrusive, uninhibited beauties.

What woman needs a man Leo?

Such men need to be loved, supported in all endeavors and caring for them, only in this case they will be happy, and capable of much. Lions seek to find a woman who can obey his power.

Which man suits a woman Leo?

Lionesses need men who will constantly prove to her their love and say that it is the most beautiful and unique. Lionesses believe in ideals and very often come to these "rakes". Such women want to see next to a secured man who will be able to pay all of her expenses and whims.

The beloved must certainly behave with dignity, like a real king and possess incredible self-confidence. Lionesses are very fond of beautiful courtship and gifts.

It is very important that the man who is next to the woman Leo, fully consistent with her and: