Agate stone - properties, zodiac sign

Agate is one of the first gems, which became known to mankind as healing. Its distinguishing feature is banding. Stone agate can be different in color, and wavy stripes give it an extraordinary beauty. Thanks to these patterns, you can sometimes see even a whole picture, for example, mountains. This gem has found its popularity in jewelry, which is why our article will consider the question of who agate agrees on the sign of the zodiac.

Characteristics of agate

Agate is a translucent stone that has beneficial properties for the human body. The stone differs from others in that it has many different impurities and a heterogeneous structure. In another way, agate is called chalcedony.

Natural stone is agate matt in the middle and translucent at the edges. Agate is very hard and reaches a strength of 7 on the Mohs scale. It has a high resistance to chemical damage, but it is easy to process for jewelry, if it is a question of staining the stone and giving it different shades.

The properties of the agate stone and which sign of the zodiac does it suit?

Everyone knows that agate stone has magical properties and is suitable for certain signs of the zodiac. Mongols believe that agate gives confidence to its owner. Stone is most often used as a talisman. He helps to learn how to speak beautifully, be pleasant in communication, make the right conclusions, makes a person very perceptive and understanding.

Talismans protect their owner from enemies and evil looks. Previously, people believed that agate can help lovers to remain faithful and love throughout their lives.

Volcanic nature has given the stone a powerful energy and a strong connection with the cosmos, which is why it has magical properties and is even able to reveal in a person the gift of clairvoyance. It should be remembered that the crystal is capable of gaining negative energy, so from time to time it must be washed with cold water.

The healing properties of agate

Far in the past, agate was washed in powder and added to water. In this way, a special infusion for wound healing was obtained. This stone is capable of healing cuts, inflammations and severe burns.

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to choose the correct decoration:

  1. Pendant or beads will suit those who want to get rid of diseases of the throat, bronchi, lungs and toothache.
  2. The ring will help with sick heart, insomnia.

Which sign of the zodiac does agate best?

Before buying an agate stone, it is necessary to find out to whom it fits the zodiac sign. In fact, every sign of the zodiac can rely on the help of this magical stone, you just need to choose the right color.

Suitable for agate color for different characters:

  1. Black agates are suitable for Scorpions.
  2. Yellow and orange for Virgins and Gemini.
  3. Blue and gray for Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra.
  4. For Taurus, you can choose any shades of crystal.
  5. Aries and Sagittarians should treat the stone with caution. They are best to buy a small amulet, which will be hidden from other people's views.

Favorable days for buying agate are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. It is these days that he connects with the cosmos and unites us with him. After buying, remember that the stone should be closely monitored. In order not to scratch the mineral, all jewelry with agate should be stored in special cases.