Compatibility of names and signs of the zodiac

Most of us, when reading the characteristics of their zodiac sign, learn in the written themselves. In addition, when we meet people with the same sign, we understand that we have something in common. All this confirms that the star under which we were born still has its influence on our life, development , behavior, external data. However, not only the zodiac signs begin to influence us from the moment of birth. Having been born, everyone gets a name chosen on the taste of parents. You grow up, you may like this name, or vice versa, irritate. Usually, just at the last version, a person does not match his zodiac sign.

There is an elementary compatibility of names and signs of the zodiac. Some name fits your sign, but the other does not. If the name harmoniously combines with the stars, a person grows into a successful, multi-faceted personality, and luck, it would seem, accompanies everything in everything. But if there is a conflict between the name and the sign, the qualities that the stars give you, and the qualities that the energy of the name gives, are blocked. It turns out inharmonious personality, irritated psyche, conflict. A person with a name that does not correspond to the sign of the zodiac feels uncomfortable, intuitively feels that he should have been somebody else. Let's see what names suit the signs of the zodiac.

Choose a name by its sign

Aries - with a harmonious combination of a name with a sign, they grow up in externally beautiful, noble manners. Freedom-loving, listen to their intuition, and not to reason, often seem romantic.

Men: Andrew, Alexander, Bogdan, Yuri, Stepan, Eugene.

Women: Angela, Lydia, Daria, Galina, Alexandra.

Taurus - practical, not a spender, so with a good combination of name and sign of the zodiac can make a good fortune. Life gives them everything, and they, with their inherent liveliness, take it. Taurus become good managers, both in the house and at work.

Men: Ilya, Anton, Mark, Nikita, Pavel, Egor.

Women: Antonina, Maria, Hope, Eleanor, Zoya, Catherine.

Gemini - easily part with obsolete things and thoughts, in exchange for new and productive ideas. Always remain young and cheerful people.

Men: Arkady, Igor, Nikolay, Nikita, Yuri, Edward.

Women: Angelica, Inga, Elena, Anastasia, Elizabeth, Eugenia, Ellina.

Cancers are sensual, creative personalities. They value their independence and are doing everything on their own. At the same time, they are devoted, not inclined to betrayal and appreciate old friends and faithful spouses.

Men: Andrew, Maxim, Leonty, Alexei, Robert, Julius.

Women: Yana, Olesya, Lolita, Julia, Elena.

Lions - strive for leadership, always look after themselves and appreciate their elegance. With a competent choice of a name for the sign of the zodiac, they achieve their high goals set , remain cheerful and optimistic.

Men: Edward, Daniel, Mark, Ruslan, Rodion, Yaroslav, Leo, Cyril.

Women: Alexandra, Antonina, Rosa, Juliana, Alina, Alla, Diana.

Virgo loves rules and laws, so when the name and sign of the zodiac match, their character is distinguished by a special weight, rationalism, reasonableness. The virgins reach theirs without risk and noise.

Men: Valentin, Rostislav, Phoenix, Stanislav, Stepan, Boris, Timothy.

Women: Raisa, Regina, Anna, Lydia, Elizabeth, Kira, Christina.

Libra - love places and do not tolerate loneliness. They appreciate chic, gloss and luxury, often are capricious, but this only gives them a special flavor.

Men: Benjamin, Arkady, Philip, Albert, Anatoly, Tikhon.

Women: Elena, Sophia, Hope, Love.

Scorpios are very straightforward and demanding. They are characterized by temperament and sexuality, as well as diligence and diligence in all endeavors.

Men: Artem, Valery, Oscar, Yaroslav, Rodion.

Women: Anastasia, Tamara, Agnes, Taisia.

Sagittarians are optimists and show resilience to all adversity. They like to travel and make personal discoveries every day.

Men: Ivan, Egor, Vyacheslav, Stanislav, Vasily.

Women: Jeanne, Varvara, Catherine, Tamara, Diana.

Capricorns are famous for their consistency, diligence and endurance, both physical and psychological. They like to follow the rules and do not tolerate surprises.

Men: Arthur, Gleb, Boris, Leonid, Cyril, Nikon.

Women: Kira, Ida, Vera, Natalya, Renata, Pauline.

Aquarians are charming and charming, with ease and charm cope with everyday routine, if the characteristic of the sign of the zodiac and the name coincides.

Men: Herman, Andrew, Bartholomew, Jan, Gleb, Vladimir.

Women: Vitali, Bella, Nona, Alina, Elsa.

Fish are always attractive and hardworking. Bring to completion all their projects, and too close to the heart perceive any criticism. Moderately open, but in the depths of their inner world, do not admit anyone.

Men: Rustam, Vadim, Athanasius, Ilya, Nikita.

Women: Amelia, Vlada, Marta, Polina, Lily.