The kitten has a swollen abdomen

Sometimes you can notice that the tummy of a small kitten resembles an inflated balloon. The host, of course, begins to worry and wants to know why the kitten has a big belly.

Dish bloating in the kitten - causes and treatment

The reasons why the kitten has a big stomach, maybe a few. Most often this is due to a disruption in the digestive tract of a small animal. The kitten's body does not work as well as an adult cat. And if it is fed with rough or too dry food, then the stomach can not process such food. Therefore, in order to eliminate flatulence, as scientifically called abdominal distention in a kitten, it is necessary to adjust the diet of its nutrition.

Sometimes flatulence accompanies a helminthic invasion. Address to the veterinarian, and he will write out the medicines, helping to get rid of worms.

An enlarged tummy in a kitten may be evidence of such a formidable disease as peritonitis . In this case, the animal accumulates fluid in the abdominal cavity. You can independently determine why the belly is increased in the kitten. To do this, you need to gently click on the tummy of the kitten: if the sound is muffled, then, probably, the liquid has accumulated, and if the sound resembles a blow to the balloon, then, most likely, the stomach accumulated gases.

To help the kitten with the gases, you can give him some activated carbon. If this does not help, you should contact a specialist for assistance.

Watch your pet and determine if he goes to the toilet. And if he does not have "great" trips, it means that the kitten had constipation, therefore, the belly is swollen. In this case, you should consult a doctor who will help you understand the problem.

If constipation occurs frequently in the kitten, enter into its diet dairy products, for example, kefir or yogurt.