Competitions for the anniversary of a man 50 years old

If not far off the anniversary of an expensive man, you should thoroughly prepare not only a gift, guest list and congratulatory speeches, but also organize a bright memorable evening with fun interesting contests.

Contests for the fiftieth anniversary of a man can be not only funny and fervent, but also very mobile. The culprit of the celebration and its guests should not sit idly by eating salads and chatting on boring everyday topics. In order to start this holiday, it is possible to organize such an amusing contest as the "Auction of the Jubilee".

Auction of the jubilee

The meaning of this interesting and fun contest is that several items of the jubilee will be put up for auction: it can be a first diaper, a toy car, a string from a new boot and so on. The presenter should arrange an auction and in turn invite the guests to characterize the hero of the day with one good word. Simple familiar words will quickly end and then the guests will begin to show fancy and perseverance in the struggle for a valuable lot, who will call the last word, and after him no one has any imagination, he will receive a prize and a medal "To the most eloquent." Yes, I'll have to prepare myself comic medals.

To think over funny contests for a man at the jubilee of 50 years , you need to be patient and smart. Prepare themed quizzes, polls and funny tests. For the idea, you can take a contest containing questions about the jubilee, who will give more correct answers, then he will receive a prize - a birthday photo with an autograph and a medal "The most curious." Agree, this is an interesting and fun contest that will bring a lot of positive emotions to the jubilee of a man, and not a small part of adventurism.

To ensure that guests do not sit out at the jubilee of a man, take care of funny and lively contests: dances, a theatrical funny production or relay races with unusual objects.

"Gift from the ball"

Another interesting and cheerful contest for the anniversary of the man - "Gift from the ball." The meaning of this competition is that each guest chooses a ball, which holds a piece of paper with a description of the gift. For these preparations you will have to remember all the merry things that you can create on the holiday: ditty, song, poem, acrobatic trick, dance, embrace, drawing or art of origami - all these things and will be a gift to the hero of the day.

If you have already decided on the contests for the jubilee of a man who turns 50, make sure that the mobile relay races and dance games are not traumatic and difficult to complete. For example, you can come up with a traditional cheerful and lively competition with chairs, the essence of which is that the chairs are smaller than the participants, players run around to the music, and when the music stops, everyone must have time to take a chair. Who did not have time - out of the game, taking the chair with him.

Coming up and planning such competitions for the fiftieth anniversary of a man, you can hold a wonderful holiday, which will not soon be forgotten by the jubilee and his guests. Enthusiastic of such zatey will be children, for whom you can come up with easy comic assignments. For example, arrange a competition of artists, let them draw a hero, but with one condition - you'll have to draw with blindfolds. Or invite the children to feed the birthday boy with fruits, all also with their eyes closed. Children's sonorous laughter, emotion and fun guests - all will only increase the triumph of the mass-entertainer and allow you to create a truly atmospheric warm anniversary.